Saturday, May 9, 2020



The testing is all bogus and cannot determine if anyone has "Covid19" First I challenge all who say different to go by the real science?
The RT-PCR Tests are 80% false positive! 
Yes, they are, but what is this test looking for in the first place? It is looking for RNA and what RNA?
The SARS-2 CORONAVIRUS has not been identified and let alone a clear picture of this so-called new Coronavirus. The testing is completely 100% bogus! You are being fed lies at a great rate by the government. CDC and the World Health Organization!
These tests cost $36 to $52 per test, and some are making out like a bandit! But you will take the test like a real coward. Why because you are like sheep to the slaughter and believe the 24hour NEWS cycle of fear and doom. Why because you spent 12 years in the government's indoctrination kiddy prison. You believe all of the lies as a good little slave.

I want you to actually think for one minute apart from the NEWs and all of the other nonsense that flows in that head of yours? 
I know you hear the label "Conspiracy Theorist" This label was created by the CIA in 1968 because people knew that JFK was murdered by more than Oswald. 
But what if some just invented this Novel Coronavirus and spread the narrative all around the world, but the Novel Coronavirus is just the Influenza? I mean the numbers are padded with heart attacks and strokes and the flu. Covid19 is on every death certificate. You could theoretically pretend that this virus is real with the deaths from other illnesses. 

Now for the Motive behind it, if this is all a big hoax.
Globalists want to control every single aspect of everyone's lives on the planet. This should be obvious to any thinking person. But there is so much more! Trillions of dollars and creating a cashless society for all with tracking peoples every single move. Total and unlimited control over everyone.
But you still cannot wrap your head around the fact that people are dying? What if I told you that people die every single day and this virus is all a hoax and you are the problem?
Vaccines are not the answer! You waking up is the answer to this and taking a stand!

This should paralyze you in fear when you hear these words! "I am here from the government to help you" This is scary and then the next thought is what have I done?
The government could not run a lemonade stand! But you follow them? There are people out there and they are very very evil that runs large corporations that know with certainty what is right for you and your children. These evil psychopaths think you are a useless eater and how dare you to use up their natural resources! They attend meetings calling themselves the good club, Bilderberg, and many more names. But one thing that they all have in common is greed and a god complex! In fact, George Soros tells people around him that he is god.
I will go as far as begging you to just look deeper into just the testing and the real science behind it?  If the testing is false then the Virus is false. It is impossible to test for a virus that the scientists have not seen a clear picture of and broken down the DNA not the RNA of the virus. So you will know if you will only THINK and use your reading and investigative part of your mind! You will see that the stay at home orders and the social distancing and mask-wearing is all to see how far they can push you! You must rise up and fight back with the truth and the scientific facts that they do not have on their side at all! You have Rights and a Constitution that limits government! We must exercise our rights and stop this madness now! 

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