Friday, February 7, 2020

Why do some think they are better or superior to others? Leftist policies are tyrannical to the core!


It seems to me that the leftists are simply put the insanity party or the Tyrannical party that thinks that the people are ignorant and must be controlled. 
When I look at the democrat leftist party I see mutants, kinda like the guy or girl that were very withdrawn and dorks in school. The revenge of the nerds or the geeks that did not fit in. The republicans have very beautiful girls that are normal. The weirdos are drawn to the leftist lunacy of transexuals and non-binary nonsense. 
I want absolutely nothing to do with those weirdos and am not afraid to tell anyone! 

The insanity of the left is ridiculous and they defy even common sense. Some people want to live in a normal society that is free of all the leftist bullshit. This does not mean that we hate these pitiful people. It simply means that we live in reality and man has a penis and a woman has a vagina. But the left has moved in Virginia and is going to try to force the insanity down the throats of Virginians.

I would venture to guess that this will be a failure and have repercussions that the left will feel for some time. 
The Blackface KKK Northam does not represent the true heart of Virginians and should simply resign now. But he was called out and made a deal with the billionaire tyrant Bloomberg.  Now we have a leftist state government that is trying to take away our 2nd amendment. This is Virginia and we kicked the ass of tyrants since 1776 and will kick the ass of the new tyrannical leftists that will never take away the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It is impossible that the good patriotic people of Virginia to lick the boots of tyrants! 

The asshole king of England tried and we beat the hell out of them! Just like we will beat the hell out of the new leftist tyrant disease in our Virginia government. 
The left has nothing to offer anyone unless you are a mutant. 
The leftist writes these ridiculous gun bills and think they have some ability to legislate murder away. It is the mind of these control freaks that is completely mindless and taking away honest people's rights will somehow stop criminals from shooting people? 

Just for everyone's information, the 2nd Amendment covers all firearms and the militia. I heard a real uninformed idiot said in the House on Friday that a civilian does not have the right to own military-style weapons. I would guess that he is a clown and he forgets that the Militia is paramilitary and all Americans are considered the Militia.
The left do not care about the rights of the people and will Infringe on the 2nd Amendment because they want everyone to be slaves and depend on the state. 

Virginians will not comply with any infringement on their God-given rights! We will overthrow the government like the Virginians did before and like it! Remember we won our independence from the Tyrannical control of England and in the face of destruction we simply did not fire until we saw the whites of their eyes!  Great Patriots the brave Patrick Henry stood at the Capitol and declared Give me Liberty or Give me death, and then stopped the British from taking the gun powder. Now we have a weirdo Blackface trying to take our guns with a vagina hat on his sick head! 

We Virginians just want to live in peace and the left continues to attack our way of life, calling us ignorant and deplorable. The leftists think that we do not know that Bloomberg paid them to take away our rights. We know and I hope and pray that the good people of Virginia show up at any rally for Bloomberg and tell him to burn in hell! 
We have to be ready to go to war with the leftists. Northam cannot enforce these unconstitutional bills. If any law enforcement that tries, then they are oathbreakers and deserve whatever happens to them!
We must never comply with any tyrannical unjust law that infringes on our 2nd Amendment. 

We are proud Virginians and we have had enough of this bullshit! It is time we rid ourselves of these commies. It is stressful and very aggravating to the good people of Virginia and the leftist better stop now while they are ahead. Bloomberg is nothing but a lying little tyrant maniac nothing of a man. Northam is temporary until we can recall him and vote him the hell out! I know that most people do not respect Blackface. 

I am so tired of hearing that Virginians are racists from the real racist left! Black people do not deserve any special rights. They do not deserve to be treated as if they are ignorant either! Because we are all created equal and we have equal rights! So never let me hear anything about our great Black Patriots! 

Our ancestors fought and gave us freedom and a republic! We will damn sure keep it and keep it free! We want our FREEDOM and not free shit from the leftists! 
God Bless Virginia and God Bless the USA
Stay strong Patriots and be ready to defend your rights and secure the Blessings of Liberty for yourself and posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America!

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