Sunday, May 3, 2020


People are scared in their homes and they are willing to give up their God-given rights to be safe. This is what morons do! Please, people, get a grip on your lives, and stop falling for the lies? You have rights that do not come from the government and as much as you are a sniveling coward and fear the flu that is not even as lethal as the seasonal flu, with all of this propaganda from the "Fake News" The powers that should not be are stopping the truth from coming out! Facebook and Youtube and others are stopping free speech! As you cower in your homes calling the police on your neighbor and deserve to be beaten to death for snitching them out! Free people are still getting the word out and you must listen!
We the people rule the government and the government better start fearing the people! The Democrats are the enemy of Freedom and they are using this usurped power they do not have under the U.S Constitution to rule the people! It is all under the lies of keeping you safe! You are neither safe nor free at present! It is all your fault for allowing this complete scam to continue! People are going to jail and being fined for exercising their Constitutional rights!
While you buy into the COVID19 bullshit!
Even if it is a real virus and it kills people that is no reason to give up your rights to the government! You must stop being such a fucking coward twat! Wake up and exercise your rights now! Stop falling for the scam that they are trying to keep us safe! It is all a lie and you must open up your fucking eyes now and see it for what it truly is and that is totalitarianism! Governors do not have any authority under any unconstitutional emergency bullshit order to become a law unto themselves and make people keep their businesses closed and make people social distance and any other bullshit they come up with! We all must share this blog with our loved ones and not be a petty fool and say that it has bad words and offends me! 
You have been duped by Psychopathic criminal liars! Bill Gates and his Good club are evil as hell! These monsters think they must rule over every aspect of your life!  They thought wrong! People must be willing to bear arms and the military must turn on a government that is violating the rights of the people now!  Without order followers the government does not have a chance at stopping us from stopping them! We all must come together and fight for our rights and stop this tyranny today! Not tomorrow it might be too late! So if you care about freedom and want to pass it to your children and grandchildren then listen up and pay attention? You must organize civil disobedience and law enforcement must stop enforcing the tyrant's rule! We the people are the rightful masters over congress and the courts! We must make that known and fight against the piece of shit politicians that are showing they are tyrants! You know who they are and if we rise up and back them the hell down tight now, We win! Freedom restored and they better not pass anymore fucking unconstitutional laws against free speech and freedom of religion or the 2nd amendment! We need our 2nd to guarantee the rest of them! 
The U.S Constitution reigns supreme law of the land! You must now organize with family and friends and groups in your state to either overthrow the tyrants or civil disobedience and knock the drones out of the sky! If the police show up? Tell them to keep their oath to the U.S Consitution! If they do not then they are acting under the tyrant's rule and are the criminals! You do not have to obey them and they are now enemies of the Constitution and the free people! You are allowed to defend yourself from all enemies of the constitution, both foreign and domestic! It is their fault if shit hits the fan! But do not back down and if they attack your neighbor? You better help your neighbor! Wake up from your cowardice now and take back our Freedom and bill of Rights? You are the Militia and we have evil tyrants that must be dealt with now! Arrest the tyrants and let's roll with absolute resolve and Vigilance! 
 Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed for the Lord thy God is with you! Your Freedom comes from God and not man or woman can take it away! So it is okay to fight and stop tyrants by any and all means! 
Thank you and God bless the U.S Constitution and our Bill of Rights!

1 comment:

  1. I am in agreement with you I was Born Free By the Grace of God not a tyrant!...My Ancestors gave all for my Freedom and I will fight to keep it.



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