I am a Christian Minister and I hope you get something out of this?
Our Freedoms are unalienable or we are born free individuals. We have parents and sometimes not so good parents. But we can go through life blaming or we can simply accept things the way they are. I do not blame my parents for the way they were, I was a handful and still am. But in my heart, I do not want to harm anyone. I am in no way a perfect person and have more problems than a math test. But I do not need government. My Grandpa may he RIP, told me if I did not govern myself, I would be soon governed. The bible tells us that the law is for the lawless and that we do not need the law after we are in Christ.
The law is the schoolmaster that shows us and trains us not to harm others.
Sadly many people have not learned this very important lesson. But with all things we must take responsibility for our own actions.
The law is for the lawless and the law enforcers or police enforce policies and this is what police means. Not law enforcers but policy enforcers. They are for the most part tyrannical and an enemy of freedom for those of us that govern ourselves. The problem is the policy enforcers abuse the power and desire more power over us. It is inevitable that this would happen. Our rights get in their way or so it would seem. It must be hard on their spirits to see so much evil in people? So they assume as we all do that people are dangerous. The world is dangerous and around every turn we could be killed or hurt and this is challenging for everyone.
Our rights I believe come directly from God, We being free must exercise this freedom and know that without love and caring that we are as ugly as the worst evildoer. Our rights do not end, simply because a person has feelings that we must not do something that they do not like. Such as our first amendment. We have the freedom to speak and say whatever we like, including insult, praise, or a curse. Our mouths are very unruly and sometimes like a viper seeking to harm another and words do hurt.
Now we do have a very very evil force in this world, it seems right to a person and sounds very good on the surface. We have people that want to control our every thought and hence control everyone. These people exist on both sides of this fake right and left paradigm.
The fake news media promotes the left-wing of this evil bird. But the right-wing belongs to the same evil bird.
The very same people you like today are the tyrants of tomorrow.
I would like you to imagine when you were little and first attended school? You were a free little person and then you were forced to go to a school and learn. But not learn just about history and basic skills, you learned how to obey. I find it fascinating that people cannot understand that they were trained and drilled and conditioned to simply obey what they were told. In school, they did not allow free thinkers. If anyone dares to keep their individuality, they were sent to the principal or they became outcasts and labeled troublemakers. Sometimes these people are put on medication to make their minds accept this control over it.
See you being a free person have to remember this absolute control that you encountered. It goes against your spirit and is very bad for you. In the school you were never taught to think for yourself. You were discouraged and rewarded for the memory of things you were taught. You were kept in the dark and suppressed and told to believe things that might not be the truth? It is kind of like the churches and all of the denominations that have a dogma to their beliefs. You are told that you are no good if you do not listen and learn. I am here to tell you that you can and must go back to the time in you when you were that little child and throw off that control of your mind. Oh, I know this sounds radical and it is radical. But you have followed these rules put upon you by would-be rulers and this has and will be used to steal away your rights.
I tell you now that there is a group of very evil sinister people that hate you. These people want to kill you and those that they do not kill will live in a hell hole of a world. If you take off the blinders and look around and stop with your cognitive dissonance, you will see that behind all of these corrupt politicians and evil system that has taken hold in this world? These evil beasts are flourishing at the expense of all of us. These evil people are behind all of the wars and all of the so-called terrorist attacks and all of this is true, but most are unwilling or do not know how to think?
We must stop them and it is time for all good people to rise up and make history by putting an end to their reign of power in this world. It starts by saying NO! That is all you have to do to defeat these evil people!
Yes they have armies and millions of followers, but if you wake them up and resist then you have more power. Because the power you wield is that of honesty and Love and Freedom!
I write this in hopes that people will open their eyes and not just ridicule me. It is okay to hate me and think that I am a conspiracy theorist. You have been programmed to do this and until you are willing to think for yourself? You are still connected to this matrix. You will do all to defend it and fight to keep it.
But the time is coming and the evil is growing and dividing people on racial, sexual and the growing hatred for others is rising fast. The democrats will lie and continue to try and gain more power and call your rights and freedoms evil, and many will fall for this and you will soon understand that you had a chance to stop this and did nothing. I sure hope that you wise up and understand and resist and we win. But my hopes are only hopes and with the millions that want to destroy their very own freedom, it is so sad.
Freedom once lost will cost millions if not billions of lives to restore. Bill Gates is not a good person and works night and day to destroy all of your freedoms. He will find a way to murder and depopulate the earth. The rest will be in a control grid and monitored and chipped. Then with Nanotechnology made into robots in the future that these evil people have planned for everyone.
These evil people try to convince everyone that climate change is a threat and we must give up our rights and let them control us. Climate change is a hoax. It is created by the liars to implement a control grid and nothing more.
Gun control is a blatant attempt to disarm free people and make them slaves. Guns are not evil in themselves. People are the ones that do evil to each other. Why? Because they blame others and do not know a better way for the most part. But in any case, our 2nd amendment is constantly under attack and this must end. You must buy more guns and never register your guns and fight if they come to take them. Sadly many will just hand them over, But I bet the Jews that were slaughtered at the hands of the Nazis wish they had not given up their guns. I bet a victim about to be murdered wished they had a gun to defend themselves?
I am a free thinker and question the very existence of God all the time. It is only natural to think for oneself and critically of everything one takes in. It is not natural to be forced into kiddy prison and told exactly what to think and how to obey. You only want to live a peaceful life and enjoy yourself. Then listen up that is going to come to an end and you will have to either wake up and fight, or die!
Vote them out? This means nothing at all anymore. Voting is choosing the next tyrant in line for the crown. Donald Trump is on our side and we have Q and we will defeat the democrats? You cannot depend on anyone to save you and you must save yourself.
If you do not say no to tyranny and defend your rights and freedoms. You do not deserve rights or freedoms! It is not just about stopping the vile democrats. We must stop all of it and fight against all forms of control over the minds of people. We must be willing to die to stop them. Are you willing to die to protect your life and the lives of your children and those that cannot fight?
I am and I will fight! This COVID19 has to be a planned epidemic. Bill Gates is behind it along with the other evil people that are behind the politicians. In Oct 2019 the Event 201 played out and it is almost identical to what we are living through right now. So do not trust anything and question everything.
People must unite and fight! We are all in this together and no one is on the bench. I cannot make you understand, I am only showing you where to begin and hopefully, you will not wait to be forced? I only want people to be happy and free. Please pray and then pick up your weapon and follow me? Because I will fight for all of us!
God Bless and Stay Free!