Bloomberg does not care about gun violence at all. Bloomberg wants power and he wants it over you!
Bloomberg came to Virginia and we have one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Gun violence is only in high crime areas and they are Norfolk and the Mexican and Black gangs. The truth is never racist.....
Bloomberg spending hundreds of millions into the billions to become president and to overthrow Donald Trump. But the money that he is spending would be used to help the poor in Chicago and offer jobs to the inner-city youth. Bloomberg could actually stop gun violence by giving money to the struggling inner-city in not just Chicago but many cities and help African American people that struggle and develope some programs such as the boys club and lobby for more prison reform.
Prison reform and the three-strikes law that has harmed African American communities more disproportionately than any other. But Bloomberg like all of the Democrats & Republicans want power and with that power makes everything worse on the everyday people. Bloomberg is a liar and spreads the false narrative that guns are the problem. Bloomberg is a rich snob that does not give a damn about anyone but himself. Bloomberg is power-hungry and wants to control every aspect of people's lives! Like it or not so does Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete. All of them want to rule over you!
Every single city that the democrat's control will become a slum and ghetto. The Republicans will only want to control you on the other side. War on everything nonsense. War on Drugs=Failure
War on Terror=Failure
War on the people and this is currently underway by both parties.
But the purpose of this is maybe to enlighten you that Bloomberg is nothing but a self-centered egomaniacal piece of shit!
No matter how he does at the next debate, he is not trying to stop gun violence! Neither is the Moms demand action or the Everytown bullshit! Hysterical women with emotional stories. But nothing that would truly stop gun violence do they support.
The whole sham is to take away the 2nd Amendment from the people. The useful idiots that agree with gun control are complete fools! Begging for chains and giving the corrupt and evil government more power and control of the people. We should not have our 2nd amendment used as a bargaining tool by the politicians! Either you vote for Trump or loose your gun rights? I don't think so! We do not have to be forced to vote for a politician to keep our 2nd amendment right! That right is guaranteed and protected by the U.S Constitution! The government meaning the courts do not have any power to even limit the 2nd amendment!
Shall not be Infringed is pretty easy to understand! It does not take a team of crooked attorneys to figure that out!
Think about how much money Bloomberg is spending? Think about all of the wasted money that all of the politicians spend on the power that they so desperately want! These tyrants and con artists want power over you! Power to control you and pass more laws that violate the U.S Constitution and the bill of rights! All of the Democrats want the New Greed Deal. It is just controlled and if you think that Humans contribute to global warming? You are a damn fool!
Here is logic! One volcanic eruption puts 1000000 times more than all of humanity since the beginning of the earth! You cannot argue with stupid! How many volcanos erupt yearly? Do not be stupid anymore!
Wake up when I count!! 5-4-3-2-1 Now wake the hell up!
If you will see that people are inherently evil and the politicians are planning on how to lie cheat and steal to gain control over you. Using the internet and media and bullshit movies! Subliminal messages on a digital screen!
Black people are still enslaved! They are used to socialism. food stamps and welfare are social programs or socialism! So the democrats since LBJ have controlled the minds of the black people.
Republicans are not the party of the people and neither are the Democrats! Stop believing the bullshit! Black people are people and yes they are different and unique. We do not need diversity, we have it! We are all Americans and the democrats have done there best to keep the blacks under control with charlatans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton!
Chicago and a Democrat-run city have a problem with gun violence, but it is simply a problem with the police and the courts. Black inner-city people do not have the resources to gain. The Democrats just steal the money that they get for inner-city programs. Democrats want open borders because the illegals will vote Democrat. It is pretty easy to see through the lies and scams of the Democrats. They are the party of lies!
Bloomberg only seeks power and could spend the money making a difference and saving inner-city children's lives!
The government fears the people. Our military, for the most part, is brainwashed and most of them have no idea that they are to support the people. The U.S Constitution is to chain down the government! If the Military ever woke up? They would overthrow the government for violating the rights of the people. But the people must rise up and not allow them to use the 2nd amendment as a bargaining tool for the corrupt politicians! You can call them all names and this does not a damn bit of good! We must completely eradicate the corrupt government! We must rise up while we can and stop any infringement on our 2nd amendment!
The moral of the story is to stop believing the lies!
Monday, February 24, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020
You are not permitted to exercise your Freedom because you might hurt my feelings!
I thought that the USA was a free country and when I grew up it was much freer than it is today.
I grew up in Lee Hall Virginia, we started shooting at a very young age of 5. I was 12 yrs old I was given a 22 rifle to go out and shoot. In fact, all of the neighborhood kids had their own guns. In Lee Hall it was rural but Newport News was a city and it did not really matter. We went out shooting all of the time. We carried our guns to Reservoir middle School after we went hunting before school. It was no big deal. We had a mean principle his name was Mr. Cheeks and he was an African American man. I was not a good kid and had many disciplinary problems. So needless to say I was paddled at least once a week.
We never had a school shooting and would never even think about something so horrific and stupid as that! Hey wait, we had corporal punishment and we did not go off and cry like these Bernie followers do today? Lee Hall Virginia was made up of European Americans and Chinese, Philipino and one African American named Tony Wright. He called himself Buckwheat, He said he was just a dirty white boy. We did not cry about race or exclude people because of skin color. We all had fistfights and were angry with each other at times, but no one shot anyone? My Childhood friend Ken, was given an AR-15 for Christmas when he was 13 yrs old. We all were jealous and wanted one. Ken had 4, 20 round magazines and we would go to the A & S feed store and bought 1000 rds of ammo. We bought all of our ammo at A & S feed or Mr. Flemming Bucks store in Lee Hall. Eventually, we all had shotguns and L1A1 308 and other guns. We shot in tournaments. We enjoyed archery and competition. One winner only! We worked hard to get better or tried to be the best. We had some kids that acted out, but they were kept in line by their parents. We were a Lee Hall gang. Like the little rascals.
No divisiveness about race and gender, and we did not make excuses about who we were. We were not skin color or a stupid gender. We are Americans and did not care about petty crap! Lee Hall is a confederate historic spot in Virginia. Robert E Lee and nothing mattered but friendship and we all were friends! History was history and black people did not give a damn about petty rebel flags and monuments!
We would go out and shoot in the woods and knew that the bullets must have a backstop. We were taught this in public school in our shooting class. We were children and teenagers, we were taught to respect a gun and never play or horse around with a gun. We shot guns all of the time and had fun and we were told how in 1776 that our founders fought and died for our 2nd amendment rights. So we looked up to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. We were little Patriots and loved our freedoms. Our Civics teacher Mr. Jordan taught us that we are all Americans and we all make up the Militia and we will support and defend the U.S Constitution and back then we were in the cold war with Russia. We would fight the Russians and all enemies of our U.S Constitution and our way of life.
We would go out and shoot in the woods and knew that the bullets must have a backstop. We were taught this in public school in our shooting class. We were children and teenagers, we were taught to respect a gun and never play or horse around with a gun. We shot guns all of the time and had fun and we were told how in 1776 that our founders fought and died for our 2nd amendment rights. So we looked up to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. We were little Patriots and loved our freedoms. Our Civics teacher Mr. Jordan taught us that we are all Americans and we all make up the Militia and we will support and defend the U.S Constitution and back then we were in the cold war with Russia. We would fight the Russians and all enemies of our U.S Constitution and our way of life.
This is going to shock some people, we would go and buy dynamite at A & S feed store and cannon fuse and blow up rock piles and stumps. A WWII war veteran, Old man Jones, showed us how to make lighting links to convert our AR-15s to full auto. The police did not care at the time and shot with us at the rock quarry. The point is that we had our freedoms and we exercised that freedom. We used words, Nigger, Faggot, Smear the queer, etc. were we, racists? Hell no! We spoke our minds, and we had gay teenagers and we just simply ignored their gayness. We did not hate them. We had Asians friends and we used words like Chinks, Gooks and it did not bother them because it was just a word. Sticks and stones and all that. We were allowed to be young and we did not do things for the purpose of hating anyone, because we would get our ass beat. Yes, parents would spank us and with a belt or switch and that taught us respect. We either respected or feared our Parents. There was nowhere in between.
In school, we all knew that we must follow the rules about gun safety. We would bring our hunting guns to the gym teacher and his brother was a police officer, we would make sure the guns were not loaded and locked up our guns in our lockers. Today this would never happen because children are not the same. The government in the last thirty years has intruded into the family and stopped the discipline of the children. The children were taught that everyone gets a trophy and that their parents are bad if they spank them. It is ridiculous and the leftists created this snowflake culture. We did not wear helmets when we rode bikes. We would get hurt and rub some dirt on it. We took our lumps and learned from it. We loved our country and would say the pledge of allegiance with pride. Stood for the National Anthem! Police were not our enemies. Officer friendly was our friend and did not kick our doors in and kill our dogs and take our guns! Cops would bust our ass if we disrespected them! Yes, the police would spank us and our parents were cool with it.
Today we are still the same people and I am 52 yrs old. We are not going to give up any of our freedoms. We are not mass killers and would never even think or consider such evil things! Yes, some morons would say that we were racists because we used words and bullied. You have to learn what is right and wrong, we did bully at times and we learned from our mistakes. When a child is allowed to express themselves and learn it is the best way for them to learn. You cannot learn values from Google or Facebook. You cannot learn when you are coddled and not allowed to speak words that may offend. Children will be what they are today and have absolutely no core values. We do not have a gun problem in the USA. We have a spoiled rotten touchy-feely, lying disrespectful to parents, creeps! That has been doped up for being a child and told that they are more important than they truly are. Told that they must follow stupid rules and love themselves more than anything else on the planet. What feelings should not be hurt and never allowed or taught to think for themselves! Just take another drug and this is the only thing that they know and it is sad
You cannot know love unless you know hate. You cannot experience life and learn to respect others unless you know disrespect. You must have discipline and responsibility and google and social media cannot teach this to children. Parents must teach their children and must be allowed to train a child in the way he or she is to go and when they are older they will not depart from it. You must pick yourself up and never depend on drugs and stupid safe spaces! The hell with feelings and all of that psychobabble nonsense! Who cares what words people use? A male has a penis and a female has a vagina! All the rest are constructs of the foolish leftist weirdos! If you are busy living your life, then you will not be entangled in the affairs of this world!
On Lobby Day thousands of people showed up to protest the government trying to Infringe on their God-given rights to keep and bear arms. The government has no power to infringe on our rights. The U.S Constitution forbids this from happening. I resent the government and everyone must say with a loud voice, I AM NOT A MASS SHOOTER! I AM NOT A VIOLENT CRIMINAL! Stop treating me like it! Banning guns is not going to stop criminals! The idiot Mark Levine is just a partisan loon, he thinks that limiting magazines will stop mass shootings? He is wrong and knows it! The Democrats and Republicans are the problems! The government is never the answer. Have we not learned anything at all? When I attended Lobby Day I had to leave! I could not hold back my tears of pride and love for all of the great patriots that were standing up to the tyrants! I was so filled with American Heart that day! I will never forget it and I thank God for each and every one of you! Words cannot contain the level of Freedom and safety that was at the Capitol that glorious day! Thank you with all of my heart for making that a great day!
The problem is when a child acts like a child they put them on some big pharma drug. The new diagnosis is ADD or some other foolish nonsense that stupid liberals make up. I have researched these mass shooters and many of them are connected with (DARPA) and that is very suspect. So the government created these mass shooters. With the insanity of safe space and turning male into female and prescribing useless prescription drugs to children over nothing. If you do not discipline your child, then you hate your child. You create a person that feels entitled and that person becomes a fake and phony person. A person that cannot deal with anything and thinks that everyone owes them. They will demand more government control because they do not know any better. They are not taught how to actually think for themselves and they believe everything and this creates a stupid person! When they label a person a racist. Then they will discount that person and hate them and pretend they do not hate. Intolerant of the intolerant and a circular argument with no idea! They will demand free stuff that they did not work for and accept scum like Bernie Sanders or any of the other leftists that demand control over the people.
Laws do not prevent crimes! If they did? Chicago would be the safest city in the world! I do not steal because it is wrong to steal. I do not rape because rape is wrong and I would never allow it. I do not murder because murder is wrong and I am here to prevent it. I do not follow the worldly laws. I follow my own. Mine are stricter than the world. You have to learn this and this cannot be taught to your children by television or social media. You must break the cycle of government control over you and your family today! It does not matter who you vote for if you are not willing to stand up and fight against government control. I AM NOT A VIOLENT CRIMINAL! I AM NOT A MASS SHOOTER! I am an American with God-given rights and I will defend my rights to the grave! The government will never take them away! It is not magazine capacity and it is not the gun that kills! It is the mentally deranged prescription drug, big pharma dosed effected former children that have never been taught to respect and only care about themselves that are acting out and thinking that this is okay! I blame the parents and the government for the failure in our society! The government overreaching into the family and parents that instead of busting the kid's ass, just fed them a pill and told them they were entitled!
I did not have anything near a perfect childhood! But at least I had one and fell down and had to pick myself back up! Sure I got hurt and scrapped my knees and hands. I was spanked and punished I thank God for that! At least someone loved me.
All of these infringing gun laws will never stop one crime! It is futile to try. Unless we change the children, we will continue to have mass shootings and school shootings. In one way or another, the government is behind these shootings and they must be held accountable! I want everyone to say this right now? I AM NOT A VIOLENT CRIMINAL! I AM NOT A MASS SHOOTER! DO NOT TREAT ME LIKE ONE! The government cannot prevent anything! The Democrats cannot even count votes! The republicans are just creeps and politicians! We have to depend on ourselves to fight for our rights!
In Virginia, there is no party affiliation and you are able to vote in the democrat for the democrat nominee! We must deny Mini Mike that chance and pick Bernie Sanders and make him the Democrat Nominee!
Mini Mike came to Virginia and turned our state Blue and Northam and the disgusting bought and paid Tyrants that are now in our state government, thanks to Mini Mike!
Bernie Sanders will be defeated easily by President Donald Trump!
Trump will beat Bloomberg also, but to spit in Bloomberg's face will feel so GOOD!
Please share this with all of your friends and family and repost this everywhere?
Friday, February 21, 2020
We will raise money for our Patriot Sheriffs and Law Enforcement!
We must start a go fund me for our great patriot sheriffs in the Commonwealth that stood up and said they will not enforce Blackface and the other Tyrants Unconstitutional Authoritarian Bloomberg bought and paid gun garbage!
Our Senator Amada Chase should run this go fund me and Attorney Anderson. We will all contribute to this fund and split it between all Law Enforcement that took a stand against the Tyrannical Virginia State communist so-called government!
We the people will take care of our Sheriffs and since the scum in Richmond is refusing them raises and are trying to harm them financially and we cannot allow that! We must take action and never allow this to happen!
The crooked scum in Richmond is bought and paid for by Bloomberg!
God Bless
Our Senator Amada Chase should run this go fund me and Attorney Anderson. We will all contribute to this fund and split it between all Law Enforcement that took a stand against the Tyrannical Virginia State communist so-called government!
We the people will take care of our Sheriffs and since the scum in Richmond is refusing them raises and are trying to harm them financially and we cannot allow that! We must take action and never allow this to happen!
The crooked scum in Richmond is bought and paid for by Bloomberg!
God Bless
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Are you awake? Please click and wake up now before it is too late! Patriots must rise and shine!
China is now lecturing the United States on human rights and gun control in the aftermath of the school shootings and so-called mass shootings. Why would the Chinese care if Americans are murdering each other?
The answer should concern all of us. The Communist Chinese government is one of the most despotic ruling authorities on the planet.
Remember what Thomas Jefferson said? “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”Chinese
government still murders Christians and forbids anyone under the age of 18 from entering a church.
Under Mao, the “revolutionary” government of China, murdered an estimated 50-60 million of their people, making Hitler look like a humanitarian.
And these facilitators of mass genocide have the audacity to dictate to the United States how we should run our country? And tell us about human rights policy as it relates to gun control, in the aftermath of the Florida shooting? This is like Charles Manson giving lessons to pastors on how to pray for forgiveness.
An editorial in a widely read state-run Chinese newspaper said on Friday, “The United States should learn from China and “genuinely” protect human rights by restricting gun ownership.”
The communist state-run editorial appeared in “The Global Times” newspaper which published the article critical of the US government for allowing citizens private gun ownership after the Florida school massacre. The state-run newspaper reported that the event “reignited a long-running debate about gun control in the United States”.
The Chinese wasted no time proclaiming, “Washington has been pointing an accusing finger at other countries over human rights … However, more Americans have been killed by gunfire in the country than American soldiers being killed in all U.S. wars,” claimed the Chinese government run Global Times.
This statement points out the blatant lies told by the propaganda machine of the state-run Chinese media.
The Chinese are the leading offenders in the category of citizen death by genocide. The Chinese government is the most repressive loathsome government in the history of the planet.
There are no civil liberties in China. The people have one right, namely, to serve the government. China rejects criticism of its rights record, pointing to its success at helping millions escape poverty, and regularly attempts to deflect the issue by calling attention to its critics’ own problems.
The ruling Communist Party tolerates no political dissent and President Xi Jinping’s administration has seen a sweeping crackdown on political rights lawyers and activists.
The Chinese and Google have implemented a social control mechanism in which people’s browsing habits and online comments are worth points, points that can be taken away for criticizing the government.
Loss of Google-based internet points under the system can result in expulsion from college, eviction from one’s home and the withdrawal of any government benefits including food.
The anti-Second Amendment New York Times quoted the Chinese as saying: “Gun ownership in China is strictly regulated, which helps reduce gun-related crimes and deaths. The U.S. should learn from China and genuinely protect human rights… ” What complicity we have between our media (now being bought out by the Chinese on a grand scale) and the Chinese government!
Ghost Cities and the Abuse of the Chinese People:
Most aware Americans understand that we’re headed to a stack and pack Agenda 21 style of living. We owe this all to the Chinese ghost cities where the stack and pack cities of the future are being beta tested.
The photo above is an aerial view of a Chinese ghost city that was first built by the Chinese government in cooperation with Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs and then forcibly populated by Chinese peasants living in the outlying provinces.
The populating of these ghost cities follows a consistent plan The Chinese military, unannounced, will back up their military trucks into a Chinese village and the Chinese soldiers go house-to-house as they inform the population that they have 30 minutes to gather up their possessions and then board the trucks for transport to a previously constructed ghost city.
Any resistance is met with extreme force. Often, the villages are burned down in front of the people, destroying any hope of returning.
The farmland is converted to corporate farming which is run by state-sponsored corporations. The added benefit, which nobody ever mentions, is that the Chinese government is gaining control over much of the food supply and that is the most effective leverage for political control.
And of course, Chinese human rights are on full display in this process. This is how the Chinese meet their labor demands for the expanding industrialization needs of China as they tighten the noose of political control around the necks of their population. And the Chinese government SJW’s dare lecture us on gun control and American human rights?
There’s another political benefit to these ghost cities. If there were ever to be a Chinese revolution against their totalitarian regime, the outlying provinces would be the prime movers. The ghost cities simultaneously fulfill two needs (1) conscript industrial labor; and, (2) reduce the political threat from the outlying provinces.
The application of the stack and pack cities is American, but the origination of them came from the beta-tested Chinese smart cities which are now going to be applied to the following future design for cities in this country.
The designs of the American cities are based on the Chinese ghost city model. But, there’s another aspect to all this… The originator of the website is Bob Krulig who was a former advisor to Obama and his first community service advisor.
The United States has an estimated population of 316,000,000 million Americans. But, on the above-referenced website, that will change to a population of 66,000,000, which equals 250,000,000 missing Americans, Chinese style! Can you say depopulation?
Your family’s future living arrangements will consist of a 500 sq. foot, stack and pack apartment which we’re already seeing in San Francisco, New York City, Phoenix, Austin, Fort Collins and a host of Agenda 21 participating ICLEI cities.
The United Nations inked an agreement with the UN, under Obama, to allow UN troops to patrol the streets of America in times of civil unrest. Cook County (Chicago) made headlines by stating that they were going to bring in the United Nations in order to patrol the streets.
Both the UN and the Chinese are part of the CALEXIT movement which is an attempt for California to leave the US under the guidance of the UN. This is no coincidence.
When we connect the dots, it becomes clear that the Chinese will comprise the bulk of a future UN occupation force in America. The Chinese already have a large troop presence on American soil (ex. Long Beach Port, CA., solar energy farms).
So the main question remains, why do the Chinese want guns taken away from American citizens? Simple, when the blue helmeted occupation is rolled out, the Chinese do not want to have to deal with 300 million handguns.
So we see that it’s really the Chinese that wants to disarm Americans!
US money is worthless
The US dollar is worthless! it has no gold backing its only backed by the U.S military might by imposing it on weaker nations and lapdogs! the U.S financial system is hijacked by the Feds which is belongs to the Yids mafia who print money out of thin air and lend it to the government with interest!
Our economy is fake and the Private bank that calls itself the Federal Reserve, Is now doing QE again and cannot raise interest rates at all.
The Bankers are allowing the United States to go further and further into debt, and the Chinese are buying our debt, and Obama and Bush sold us out to the Chinese! Donald Trump is doing his best but the Bankers are in control. We have to fight this now! The democrats pit everyone against each other with stupid identity politics and embrace no borders to destroy our Sovereignty.
Mike Bloomberg wants to disarm all Americans so the Chinese will have no resistance when they invade us and if this is not true? Prove me wrong?
Donald Trump is trying to save the USA and the democrats are hell-bent on destroying our country. The Democrats with Bloomberg want to create a communist country, It is all about control and you are targeted by these evil beasts. The national debt is 21 trillion dollars and rising. The banker family Rothschilds have over 500 trillion and growing. All of the wars and misery have been the direct responsibility of the bankers. We have not had control of our country since 1913 and it just keeps getting worse. Our rights are eroding by the government each and every day. War on drugs? War on terror? NDAA and Patriot act? TSA? Unelected bureaucrats writing laws? Hate speech? Political correct? Mass confusion? Insane pronoun nonsense? Attack on the 2nd Amendment? Emergency powers act? Useless wars and death? The division that has never been before? So much more!
Our country has been sold out by corruption and politicians that make millions and billions of dollars off of our backs! Biden and Hunter are only the ones you know about! But Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and so many more scammed monies from Ukraine.
The Chinese are using us as collateral of the bonds they are buying and have bought. The USA is in debt to the Chinese and the Chinese want to call in that debt. So they want us disarmed now. The democrats will hand us over to the Chinese if we allow them! Their political agenda is in line with communism. Oligarchs such as Bloomberg will control the people when the Chinese appoint them!
Let us suppose that this is the evil plan of the oligarchs that buy elections and inflict their will on the people of the USA. These evil Oligarchs are definitely apart of the International Bankers!
The fix is in and we are helpless to stop them? Or are we helpless and cannot stop them. No, we can and must stop them! We are American Patriots and we will not allow the government to take any of our rights any longer!
We must fight fire with fire and these evil bastards must pay! We will not COMPLY and we will fight and never allow communism to rule in the USA!
Donald J Trump is strengthening our military and we must be ready for a fight and kill any foreign invader and any traitor to the U.S Constitution!
Please study the history of the Weimar republic today? The bankers turned it into a den of immoral sex and drugs with pedophilia and legalized prostitution and inflated the money so bad that a loaf of bread costs $50,000 dollars!
The same descendants of these bankers are doing the same in the USA! They will appoint a president that will destroy all of your rights, they cannot allow you to have guns!
The bankers made slaves of the people and used the women and children for sex! Hungry people will do almost anything to survive! Remember that and when the grocery store has nothing and Walmart's shelves are barren! The U.S dollar is completely worthless and is propped up for being the petrodollar! When this fail? All hell will break loose!
International Bankers must be destroyed! These disgusting inbred sexual deviants are satan! Our founders knew that they would do this and made damn sure you had a way of protecting yourself from them! A 2nd Amendment was our last line of defense! Make sure you keep it! The mental mind fuck on the people is working! The racist bullshit with the identity politics and homosexual pushing with trying to normalize the pedophilia and heartless murder of the innocent unborn and born children! The selfish lazy apathetic generation of spoiled mouthy children! It is all planned and you must see this?
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