Monday, February 24, 2020


Bloomberg does not care about gun violence at all. Bloomberg wants power and he wants it over you!

Bloomberg came to Virginia and we have one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Gun violence is only in high crime areas and they are Norfolk and the Mexican and Black gangs. The truth is never racist.....

Bloomberg spending hundreds of millions into the billions to become president and to overthrow Donald Trump. But the money that he is spending would be used to help the poor in Chicago and offer jobs to the inner-city youth. Bloomberg could actually stop gun violence by giving money to the struggling inner-city in not just Chicago but many cities and help African American people that struggle and develope some programs such as the boys club and lobby for more prison reform. 

Prison reform and the three-strikes law that has harmed African American communities more disproportionately than any other. But Bloomberg like all of the Democrats & Republicans want power and with that power makes everything worse on the everyday people. Bloomberg is a liar and spreads the false narrative that guns are the problem. Bloomberg is a rich snob that does not give a damn about anyone but himself. Bloomberg is power-hungry and wants to control every aspect of people's lives! Like it or not so does Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete. All of them want to rule over you! 

Every single city that the democrat's control will become a slum and ghetto. The Republicans will only want to control you on the other side. War on everything nonsense. War on Drugs=Failure
War on Terror=Failure
War on the people and this is currently underway by both parties. 
But the purpose of this is maybe to enlighten you that Bloomberg is nothing but a self-centered egomaniacal piece of shit!
No matter how he does at the next debate, he is not trying to stop gun violence! Neither is the Moms demand action or the Everytown bullshit! Hysterical women with emotional stories. But nothing that would truly stop gun violence do they support.

The whole sham is to take away the 2nd Amendment from the people. The useful idiots that agree with gun control are complete fools! Begging for chains and giving the corrupt and evil government more power and control of the people. We should not have our 2nd amendment used as a bargaining tool by the politicians! Either you vote for Trump or loose your gun rights? I don't think so! We do not have to be forced to vote for a politician to keep our 2nd amendment right! That right is guaranteed and protected by the U.S Constitution! The government meaning the courts do not have any power to even limit the 2nd amendment!
Shall not be Infringed is pretty easy to understand! It does not take a team of crooked attorneys to figure that out!

Think about how much money Bloomberg is spending? Think about all of the wasted money that all of the politicians spend on the power that they so desperately want! These tyrants and con artists want power over you! Power to control you and pass more laws that violate the U.S Constitution and the bill of rights! All of the Democrats want the New Greed Deal. It is just controlled and if you think that Humans contribute to global warming? You are a damn fool! 
Here is logic! One volcanic eruption puts 1000000 times more than all of humanity since the beginning of the earth! You cannot argue with stupid! How many volcanos erupt yearly? Do not be stupid anymore!

Wake up when I count!! 5-4-3-2-1 Now wake the hell up! 
If you will see that people are inherently evil and the politicians are planning on how to lie cheat and steal to gain control over you. Using the internet and media and bullshit movies! Subliminal messages on a digital screen! 

Black people are still enslaved! They are used to socialism. food stamps and welfare are social programs or socialism! So the democrats since LBJ have controlled the minds of the black people. 
Republicans are not the party of the people and neither are the Democrats! Stop believing the bullshit! Black people are people and yes they are different and unique. We do not need diversity, we have it! We are all Americans and the democrats have done there best to keep the blacks under control with charlatans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton! 

Chicago and a Democrat-run city have a problem with gun violence, but it is simply a problem with the police and the courts. Black inner-city people do not have the resources to gain. The Democrats just steal the money that they get for inner-city programs. Democrats want open borders because the illegals will vote Democrat. It is pretty easy to see through the lies and scams of the Democrats. They are the party of lies!
Bloomberg only seeks power and could spend the money making a difference and saving inner-city children's lives!  

The government fears the people. Our military, for the most part, is brainwashed and most of them have no idea that they are to support the people. The U.S Constitution is to chain down the government! If the Military ever woke up? They would overthrow the government for violating the rights of the people. But the people must rise up and not allow them to use the 2nd amendment as a bargaining tool for the corrupt politicians! You can call them all names and this does not a damn bit of good! We must completely eradicate the corrupt government! We must rise up while we can and stop any infringement on our 2nd amendment! 

The moral of the story is to stop believing the lies! 

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