This is why you must keep calling and telling these state senators they must vote against any and all anti-gun legislation-
Senator John Edwards-D-21- 540-985-8690
Senator Creigh Deeds-D-25-434-296-5491
Senator Lynwood Lewis-D-6-757-787-1094
Senator Chap Petersen- D-34- 703-349-3361
Senator Emmett Hanger- R-24- 540-885-6898
Senator Siobhan Dunnavant- R- (804) 270-5600
We must show our vigilance and call asap!
We must never comply with any
Infringement of our 2nd amendment and
fight to keep our rights!
These are their office district numbers, as listed on the state website. You have a better chance of reaching them here than at their Richmond Offices.
If you prefer, you can email them at the following email addresses. Remember to tell them you will accept no compromise and they must vote against any and all anti-gun efforts!
Senator Edwards- district21@senate.
Senator Deeds- district25@senate.
Senator Lewis- district06@senate.
Senator Petersen- district34@senate.
Senator Hanger- district24@senate.
Senator Dunnavant- district12@senate.
And then we need to keep pressure up on 'republicans' from smearing lipstick on this Gun Ban, by telling them a vote to make it better actually is a vote to help the Ban pass.
You need to call the following 'republicans' and tell them NO DEALS on Northam's Gun Ban, and that a vote to make the bill better is a vote to help it pass.
- Senator Tommy Norment (R-3)- (757) 259-7810
- Delegate Glenn Davis (R-84)- (757) 802-4982
- Delegate Bobby Orrock (R-54)-(540) 891-1322
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