Friday, July 24, 2020

Northam's August session and he might try to pull some Tyrannical gun ban!

Coonman might try to weasel in his Draconian so-called Assault Weapons ban in the August session! 
People must call and email 
Northam is working hard to get his Gun Ban slid in during the special session.

This is why you must keep calling and telling these state senators they must vote against any and all anti-gun legislation-

Senator John Edwards-D-21- 540-985-8690

Senator Creigh Deeds-D-25-434-296-5491

Senator Lynwood Lewis-D-6-757-787-1094

Senator Chap Petersen- D-34- 703-349-3361

Senator Emmett Hanger- R-24- 540-885-6898

Senator Siobhan Dunnavant- R- (804) 270-5600

We must show our vigilance and call asap!

We must never comply with any

 Infringement of our 2nd amendment and

 fight to keep our rights!

These are their office district numbers, as listed on the state website.  You have a better chance of reaching them here than at their Richmond Offices.

If you prefer, you can email them at the following email addresses.  Remember to tell them you will accept no compromise and they must vote against any and all anti-gun efforts!

Senator Edwards-
Senator Deeds-
Senator Lewis-
Senator Petersen-
Senator Hanger-
Senator Dunnavant-

And then we need to keep pressure up on 'republicans' from smearing lipstick on this Gun Ban, by telling them a vote to make it better actually is a vote to help the Ban pass.

For decades the 'right' has, time and again, caved into the trick of making a 'bad bill better', as they did with Obamacare, making it 'better' so gun grabbers, in 'red' districts can vote for it.

You need to call the following 'republicans' and tell them NO DEALS on Northam's Gun Ban, and that a vote to make the bill better is a vote to help it pass.

- Senator Tommy Norment (R-3)- (757) 259-7810
- Delegate Glenn Davis (R-84)- (757) 802-4982
Delegate Bobby Orrock (R-54)-(540) 891-1322

We must stay strong and ready to fight these communists with all we have. We all must support President Trump and vote in November! Amanda Chase for governor in 2021 and restore Virginia! We must fight these scumbags with all we have and stop their tyrannical plans in their tracks!

Northam and company are enemies of freedom! The BLM movement is a Marxist disgusting terror group and Antifa is a communist brown shirt movement! Like the Cheka in the former soviet union and the Bolsheviks! We must stand together and never comply with any infringement of our rights! 

This is the most important election in our lifetime!
Trump must win by a landslide!
The democrat Marxists will try anything and the voting by mail is a huge scam to steal the election.
Vote and get all you know to register and vote for Real conservatives that support our 2nd amendment!
God Bless you all!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


This is a plea to all of the good people of the Commonwealth of Virginia!
The governor Ralph (Blackface) Northam and his leftist radicals are planning a special session of the general assembly in August of 2020. The corrupt Northam is bought and paid by Bloomberg and Soros. So he wants his payday, at the cost of our rights. Namely targeting our 2nd amendment rights.

Our job is to defend our rights and not comply with any magazine limit or "Assault weapons" ban. The crime commission knows that these types of weapons are no more dangerous than any other. But Northam has to get paid. The creepy little bastard Mark Levine who is a California liberal (Communist Bolshevik) is on the payroll of the same globalists. They intend on changing our great freedoms into some nonsense about safety, The keyword is safety and they will use this slogan to try and further their goals to strip us of our rights and property if we allow them?

We have sanctuary counties and constitutional counties that matter. Herring or Goering whatever the Virginia attorney general thinks that he will get passed his version and skewed and nonsensical version of the constitution, interpreted by his maniacal mind? 
He is able to try, but "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"  is awful hard to try and cover-up! But he will try and use some lie or a pack of lies determined by some silly case law and no constitutional authority!

However, he or Northam and his pack of leftist so-called lawmakers will do their due diligence to steal your rights away from you and pass laws that cannot be obeyed! 
You must not comply with any and all new gun laws! If we do not comply? They have no power to enforce these tyrannical laws! They cannot lock us all up! We also have an obligation and a duty to abolish this government under the Virginia Constitution!
Ralph Northam is a terrorist to the constitutional rights of all Virginians! He has his looney leftists in Northern Virginia that he and the other tyrants play too! But the vast majority of these people are not even born in the USA! They do not understand our rights and are afraid of guns. Because in the country they fled from, they were not allowed to own them. 

So Northam and his vile democrat base fool these immigrants into voting for the leftists! But we are the real majority in the Southern and Western part of the State of Virginia! You must get that old stupid Uncle and Aunt Sally and those damn kids to register and vote RED this year and every year after for Remove Every Democrat or Republican and only 2nd Amendment Republicans! We will have our freedom returned! Vote for Amanda Chase? She is a great 2nd Amendment person and will repeal all of the Draconian Infringing laws that Northam and his pathetic commies passed! 

We must remain diligent and not comply with any gun laws! Do not comply and organize and show up to protest at the capital and in your county and town! We will defeat these globalists and win with a landslide in 2020 and 2021 for the sake of our Freedom! 
Please take charge of your own life? Live free like those Americans that came before us!
God Bless Virginia and the USA!


  Hello from Bishop Taylor,  Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon. I am all for this, but I ...