The puppet & the puppet masters!
Michael Bloomberg with his bought and paid for astroturfers will be in Richmond and Norfolk today. This is an astroturf to manipulate the people and the owned lamestream media will build up these Infringers of your 2nd Amendment rights!
Today Friday, Feb 7th, 2020 the draconian House bill 961 is going into committee at 8 am this morning. As anyone with a brain knows that so-called "Assault weapons" so not exist. It is a focus group demonization of a kind of gun. These types of guns are very popular and people buy these and keep them for defense and not to assault anyone. The VCDL sent out an alert for people to show up this morning to oppose this tyrannical unconstitutional bill and make damn sure that it never becomes a law.
Bloomberg works with Soros and the international criminal bankers that are planning on taking away all of your rights! The New World Order Plan is to strip you of your guns! Soros and Bloomberg do not care about anyone or anything but power! The plan they are implementing will stop at nothing to kill your freedom!
Not a conspiracy theory, but a fact and our reality, Bloomberg will bring in the astroturfers and parade them around in Virginia to garner support for destroying your 2nd Amendment right. This will be happening today and this was not by accident.
As I write this and hope people read this and keep in mind that I am very angry. I am angry because the truth is the state government truly does not have any constitutional power to Infringe on our 2nd Amendment! The U.S Constitution does not allow these tyrannical liars in the Virginia State government are not our rulers! We are the rightful masters and the Constitution is the supreme law of the land! The Constitution is supposed to stop these Virginia government from Infringing on our rights! Before they could hold their offices, they swore an oath to the Constitution!
The Blackface does not care about your rights! He is hell-bent on destroying your 2nd amendment and taking away your right to defend you and your family from an out of control tyrannical government.
I do not want to worry and should never have to! We should never have to beg or barter for our God-given rights! We have every right to own whatever kind of gun we desire. It is not the government giving you permission to own a gun! It is your right and the government has one job and that job is to protect your rights! But they are trying to take your rights away! So the government that stands against the rights of the people, must be abolished now!
We live in the Constitutional Republic and people die of many things and some of those are being shot. But more people die of accidents! But who cares? The left will lie and inflate the numbers of gun violence and show people who have lost someone and that is sad. But if you just take a walk in a children's hospital and your heart will break! But you cannot ban death! I am all for banning death if it was possible!
The left is authoritarians and demand that you give up your rights and obey! I think not! I will never give up any of my rights and allow myself to be governed by any who defy the Constitution and my God-given Rights!
The left use words such as weapons of war, assault rifles, and military weapons. But all guns are weapons of war and if you use your gun as it was created to do, you will be using it in defense and it would be a defensive rifle! It defends my right against an out of control tyrannical government! The left will say what would anyone need an AR-15 with a large magazine? It is my right to own whatever kind of gun I chose to own!
My guns are to support and defend the U.S Constitution from all enemies and if you try and take it then you are a traitor and are going against your oath you swore and deserve to be exposed and charged as a criminal.
George Soros with Michael Bloomberg are criminals! Soros is nothing but a greedy dirty bastard! Look at Macedonia and see what he is doing? Michael Bloomberg does not have a snowball's chance in hell of ever becoming president of the USA! But Bloomberg is spending massive amounts of money to stop President Trump. Why? Because Trump is supporting and defending the Constitution and the world government wants you to be eating out of trashcans by now! Then the people will be broken enough to allow the world government to take over.
The truth is far from the government and in this day and time with the democrats filling their pockets with Ukraine monies and enriching themselves with wars and laundering their stolen cash. We are meant to suffer and these evil vile scum wants to pretend they care about gun violence. Because they know that we will soon know the truth about them. They fear the people with guns and they want you to fear them! But that my friends is tyranny and they are tyrannical! I would say they are tyrannical to the ends that meet their overthrowing!
It is time that we the people not back down and fight with all we have to stop these vile beasts! We do not follow any of these tyrannical gun laws that the Democrats pass! Or their oligarch paid propaganda campaign of Infringement!
We must rise up united and fight now!
The only thing these people will understand is the gun. We need to get rid of Washington DC. It is not part of america and does not follow its laws. Put the capitol in the center of the USA.