Monday, February 10, 2020


When I say that I will not comply, then you can bet that I will not comply!

I served in the U.S Army, 75th Ranger and fought in combat for every one of you reading this. I supported and defended our Constitution and never let anyone down.
I will never give up any of my rights and if they come to take my guns they will not get them! I would not hesitate to fight again for our Constitution and defeat all enemies.
If a so-called law enforcement person told me to give up my guns?
I would not obey and they would be considered an enemy of the U.S Constitution at that point.
I would hope that any and all police or any law enforcement person, would keep the oath that they have taken to uphold and defend the U.S Constitution and protect the God-given Rights of the people.
I know that they are just doing their job, but that is what the Nazi's said as they were murdering Jews! When I was in the Army I would respectfully decline an order if it violated the U.S Constitution and if it violated the rights of the people, I would then consider the one that gave me the order a tyrant and most likely deal with that person with extreme prejudice! 
The out of control tyrannical Virginia government has an agenda that the maniac governor and with the Oligarch heading the marching orders of the elected representatives. The radical leftist agenda violates the rights of the people! It is 100% Tyranny and this is not going to work!
The phony reason to prevent gun violence is what they will claim. But that is just a ruse. It is people control and the radical leftist disregards the restraints that the U.S Constitution puts on them.
It does not matter if every single person in the Commonwealth of Virginia wants to take away the right of the people to keep and bear arms.  It cannot be done, because the right to keep and bear arms, that shall not be infringed is the supreme law of the land!

We have a Republic and not democracy and the mob does not rule. So the bogus money created astroturfers called Every town and Moms demand action are not dictating taking away the rights of the people!
We all know that the Oligarch Bloomberg funded and pays these groups an hourly wage to protest against freedom.
It is not a secret that this is happening and Blackface Northam will parade these actors around and bring them into the house of delegates and the senate to gain support for unconstitutional and infringing bills.
The Left is very angry that the people actually picked their president! The war is on the people and we are hated by these democrats and that is the problem! 
We are called right-wing extremists and racists and whatever nonsense that these evil people come up with. But we are Americans and free men and women. Not the stupid non-binary bullshit!
If you own a semi-automatic rifle or handgun you are the enemy! In fact if you own a gun then you are a bad person in the eyes of these mentally ill freaks!
I trust about 2 people in this world and the government is not on that list. The left has been responsible for the mass murder of more than 200 million innocent people by the leftist governments! 
Hitler was a whacko leftist vegetarian and the S.A is now Antifa and if they get your guns they will simply tread all over you and then you will be murdered sooner or later!
How will they do that?
Indoctrination and without borders the undocumented workers will now be enforcing the new laws they will flood you with and if you disagree then you will be reeducated and you will be controlled by the leftist tyrants! 
Here is a look into the minds of the Oligarchs. The billionaire bankers think that your life is meaningless and you are using their resources. They think that you are cattle and some think you are soulless beasts. The Oligarchs want complete control of every single aspect of your lives! How dare you as Greta Thunberg said. She is repeating the Oligarchs. How dare you overpopulate the planet and use up the resources that belong to the Oligarchs! 
The New Green Deal is absolute control over you! The climate change hoax will not die! It is proven that climate change is a hoax! Donald Trump will not go along with this bullshit. So they hate him. 
The leftist will take all of your money with insane taxes. They will lie and claim that it goes to pay for the less fortunate. It is all lies all the time as the impeachment sham that was played out in the House with the typical insane leftist Adam Schiff and the witch Nancy Pelosi. 
The media is owned by these oligarchs and they have an agenda. The very same agenda that the Virginia state bought and paid for a government that owed the Oligarch!

I hope and pray that you will research all that I have written here. I do this to help you and educate you out of love for the people. I am nothing and never claim to be at all. 
I simply want the truth and the facts given to everyone. 
You have one chance to not comply and you have one chance to now take a stand and unite with others and fight these tyrannical bastards! We must fight if we want to keep our Republic and our Freedom!
Bloomberg is using his money to take away your God-given Rights! Our Rights were paid for by the Blood of those great Patriots that came before us! 
Tell Bloomberg and the leftists government in Virginia that our rights are not for sale! 
Unless they want to pay with their blood!
If they do not back down, we must rise up and stop these tyrants and never comply with Tyranny and expel all tyrants from our government!
God Bless all of you Patriots and I encourage you to never give up and never give in! 
If they come for your guns. Give them the bullets first! 

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