Why is bribery of an elected official not considered bribery? If you bribe or conspire then you go to jail and civil asset forfeiture is when all of your monies and property are stolen by the government! We are subjects and this is not how it is supposed to be in the USA! But a Micro Midget and a stupid ass Blackface with other corrupt representatives taking money to steal your 2nd Amendment rights! They are paid for passing Draconian laws on the good people, and this is complete tyranny and must end now!
I am not an attorney, but I have been studying and talking to law professors at prestigious law schools and we can stop Bloomberg in his tracks! But who will do this? The NRA and other so-called gun rights organizations that take our money to stand up against those that would infringe on our 2nd Amendment right. Do you think it could be the fact that they gain members and make money when our rights are attacked? I am not sure. I do know that an Oligarch Bloomberg cannot by law spend money to undermine our God-given right to keep and bear arms.
Think about it? A person is trying to take away your rights that are protected by the Supreme Law of the land! The Constitution forbids the Infringement of your 2nd Amendment. So how is it legal for Bloomberg to pay our elected representatives to infringe on our rights? It is not legal and that is what you are not being told! If you are trying to overturn the Bill of Rights then you are guilty of treason against the people. Bloomberg would be charged and hanged for these crimes in 1900 and with good reason. Funny thing is that the laws are still on the books! They are just not being enforced and that is what we must fight for and make these laws relevant and punish the criminals that take bribes and call it a campaign donation.
Bloomberg is a billionaire, but he does not have the right to use his money to undermine the bill of rights! Bribery and conspiracy are a crime and the RICO act is only used on who the government targets, and they never use it against the real criminals. It is about damn time that the people rise up and demand that this stops! We have the power to file class-action lawsuits in every single state that Bloomberg & Soros subverts! We will win billions from these Oligarchs and finally stop them and their influence and bribery of our elected representatives!
You will hear how the NRA and other sorry organizations Poo Poo this idea! It might put them out of business! (Controlled opposition?) The NRA is a compromising garbage organization. The VCDL compromises because they did not oppose all Infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights! They are neutral on some of the unconstitutional laws that are up for a vote in Virginia. They want to control the narrative. No way they do this! We must never comply with any 2nd amendment infringing bogus law! I am a member of these organizations and they better start answering to the members now!
The goal is to stop the infringement of our 2nd amendment at all costs!
We all must get involved and never allow any infringement on our 2nd amendment rights! Never trust anyone that is going to make money off of your misery! Bloomberg must be stopped and we have the power to do this right now! With Class action lawsuits by the people and for the people!
I for one am sick of this corrupt politicians that are above the law. I have to live by the law so should they. Or can I borrow one of our military transport planes to smuggle dope in to sell to our citizens as Oliver North did and not be arrested. I need to make a spare million or two. How about Biden hook me up with a job with a Ukrainian Gas Company I only need a million a year. Or how about Chris Hurst I guess we need some more corrupt people in office getting off for DUIs. The list goes on and on Hillary and Bill made a mockery of our country but hey thats ok. Obama right in there with the Clintons he was a pawn is all he was another slick Willy. Why is there nothing being done about all this DAMN people wake up get a backbone lets pass laws that are stiffer on politicians. No that's what they do to us how about we just stand up take away their armed guards and throw them in jail hold them to a higher standard as they feel they are above us any way. How can they vote their own raise we need to stop life time politicians stop giving them retirement well they screw us to where we have none. How about we flat tax every one no write offs give big corporations incentives to keep jobs over here enter create new ones.Make it so the more the corporations bring in jobs and make more products the less tax they pay.
ReplyDeleteso how do we get started with this law suit?