Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Hello from Bishop Taylor, 

Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon.

I am all for this, but I do not believe it to be true. I know Trump rallies will be coming to Florida and other states. I so look forward to seeing them! But I do not share the confidence or the misleading of some, that Trump will be back soon.  Tell me if I am wrong below?

The plan has been since 1980 to destroy the USA and bring the world into a communist-style control of the world under the oligarch billionaires. The United Nations to take complete control of you and your children. In 1998 William Cooper said that the government and the shadow government of billion and Trillionaires including the Rothschild family were behind this horrible plan. He also predicted the events on September 11th, 2001. 

William Cooper was so proud of being called by Former President Bill Clinton, "The most dangerous man alive" The government assassinated him in 2001. The plan is very easy to see if you are able to see through the brainwashing that you are under. 

After 9/11 the government implemented the Patriot act, this is something they just happened to have already written up? The oligarchs who are behind the phony terrorist attack knew exactly how to steer the minds of the masses. They own the media and so many mistakes were made on that day by the media and people simply overlooked them But some still believe the official bullshit story.

Now here we are today in the biggest mess and the Hegelian Dialectic is playing out. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Donald Trump was elected and seemed to love the USA. This was against the plans of the oligarchs or Trump double-crossed the, Who Knows? But we all have a decision to make and this will determine our fate. 

Australia lost their guns with fake school shootings and media lies and propaganda! I challenge all to do the research and see that this is true? This was in the plan by the Bilderberg Group! Another name of the Oligarchs that will enslave the world if you sit on your ass and do nothing! 

Agenda 2030 is the big goal of the Oligarch Globalist scum! 

In 1992 the earth summit in RIO was full of a bunch of weirdos! Yes, they are the save the whale crowd that always thinks they are virtuous. But in reality, are simply weirdos that need a cause! But the main creepy scam artist was Maurice Strong and his criminal wife Hanna. Maurice Strong a lying conman who created religion to replace Christianity at the United Nations. GAIA is the name of this disgusting bullshit!

Earth worshipping demonic sinister scum!

Climate change is 100% BULLSHIT! It is all lies and they are using it to enslave the world! Agenda 21has been working in your town for 20 yrs! But you do not know this! Why because you are living your life, thinking that you do not ever have to get involved. But so many fools and not enough wisdom is the biggest problem we have today!

Then here comes the Bio-weapon Covid or the correct name SARS II Coronavirus. The oligarchs released Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and no one paid any attention. Now they released this virus and had their henchman Fauci play this virus up to the hilt with the owned media to hype it to the extreme! People in fear will allow the government to take over and give up their rights! But not me! 

The stats do not add up! More people died in 2017-2018 of the flu! But of course, the flu did not kill anyone in 2020, or were all the deaths made COVID-19? Think about this for one minute?

Dr. Fauci was in charge of the lab in Wuhan China! The Chinese said from the beginning that it was Americans that released the virus! But the CCP are liars. Yes, that is true. But when the world comes down on China. No one will believe the truth. Because they are brainwashed by the media. It is all lies and Fauci knows that he released this virus and the CCP made it where it did not affect China and restricted travel. But opening the door to worldwide travel to infect the whole world!

All of this is carefully planned and done by the billionaire Oligarchs and the vile evil behind them! 

I will post more if you would like? Please leave your comments below. Pray and ready yourselves for war!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Freedom VS Fear

Freedom is guaranteed by the Lord Almighty and written down by the founders in a document called the U.S Constitution. The government has been for so many years incrementally taking our God-given rights away from us. I suffer from anxiety and worry as do so many people, and I know that and have empathy on all that suffer. My point in this blog is to show how the leftists Marxists are under a hypnotic trance that people need them to have some social justice. But social justice is a buzzword used by a globalist communist one world scum. Trump won the election and his agenda of freedom for all and prosperity was interfering with the globalist's agenda. So we have mass confusion and an installed puppet. Joe Biden a 48 yr veteran of following orders by this globalist trash. Biden will further divide the people by race, sex, and sexual orientation. His agenda is to bring the world into global governance and bring the normal people into hell! Biden is not the president and is not anything but a phony. Biden's agenda 

*Climate Change a Proven hoax 
*Disarm the people 
 *Transgender acceptance 
 *Promote a racial divide 
*Destroy all of the amendments 
*Encourage radical social justice 
*Pretend to actually care about black people 
So much more I could add here but this blog is only a blog and I do not want to write for hours. What can you do to fight against this evil? Never comply with any of it! This is your line of defense against this globalist satanic agenda! Demand your rights now! Wake up others with the truth! Now with the scam of a century, The COVID-19 hoax! The SARS II Coronavirus is completely manageable with hydroxychloroquine and other therapies and people do not have to die! Frontline doctors reveal this on their website. But the government loses the control that they want to keep you under! The truth is out and the mask-wearing idiots will continue to live under the control of the tyrants for no better reason than they are in fear and will readily accept gene manipulation AKA the Covid vaccine! But you do not have to take this poison into your body. You must resist the tyranny now! Biden is not the president and the audits will show this in spades! Trump offers freedom and energy independence because Trump knows that climate change is bogus! Our hope and trust must be in Our Father in heaven and our hearts must seek Him and understand that fighting is not the last resort! Fighting for your rights and not allowing the USA to go the way of Venezuela and the communists are bitter and vile people that will be destroyed! Lies exposed is the destruction of the left for good! If you are willing to take a stand and say NO MORE! You are halfway to victory and you can have peace knowing that you are not alone. I am with all of those that stand up and fight! Our lives are freedom and our hearts long for the truth! Big tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley, Facebook, Twitter and others are disgusting and you must stop using them today! You are their product and not a customer. The controlled social media must be completely destroyed! They are not allowing the truth to come out and they restrict your freedom of speech and mold your mind to accept disgusting sexual perversions. You must resist the devil and he will flee from you! Submit yourselves to God first! You want to keep your freedom and your constitutional rights? Then stand up now and say with a loud voice, NO MORE! Wake up everyone and let us get Trump back in the White House where he belongs! Let us stand firm and say no way we comply with any Infringement on our 2nd amendment! We are and organize with our family and friends! The USA is about freedom and if it ends now? We will never have it again. Make no mistake Biden is scum and the leftists are children of the devil.

Friday, April 30, 2021



Joe Biden did not receive 80 million votes and this is shown every single day with his complete low-watched videos and the fact that Biden is a real disease and a demented old communist.

Here is the crux of the communist takeover of the USA. The bogus crisis of round count or magazine capacity is as ridiculous as any stupid argument by the leftists retards! The scary part is the globalists want and demand total control of you! The news media and big tech globalists are on the same sheet of music. As with all propaganda and misinformation driving the planned epidemic that will not simply go away and the inflated numbers to keep constant fear in the minds of the sheep. We are now dealing with the lies of the global elitist's disease, such as Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci the lapdog of the lying deceitful "god complex" of the billionaires that surely know what is best in their twisted minds, for the rest of humanity!

Biden is a symptom of this globalist plot to take total control of the people. Biden plans to ban semi-auto guns and his bubblegum philosophy is people do not need this type of weapon to go hunting. But the 2nd amendment is not about hunting. Certainly, the government is out of the control of the people right now! Biden is not the president and this is a fact that many will simply dismiss as a conspiracy theory. But just take a look at the facts and I not talking about the liberal mindset of 2+2=5 either. Biden is a selected and not elected president. Biden was installed with great effort by big tech and the media. Biden's job is to destroy the USA and strip the people of their rights and put them under the control of the global communists

Biden and his dementia do not matter to the globalist scum! He is a puppet and the leftists will use racial division and divide all people to keep a constant hatred and people at odds. This is the communist playbook and the takeover will be complete very soon unless stopped by the people. But how can the people stop this from happening?

The 2nd amendment is the only answer! Arm and organize with others and never fall for the scams that the left cook up! Never comply with any infringement of your 2nd amendment! Biden had the nerve to actually say that rights are not absolute! Biden and his disgusting communist comrades prop him up and clap at his ridiculous speeches and prop up a demented old fool! Biden has a very low IQ and it shows. But he is easy to control by the shadow government.

Gun control is people's control! But wait the mass shootings that happen in the USA? Most are planned and executed by the globalists and then the media just report on the lies. It is simple but effective to control the minds of stupid people. 

Do not comply is the answer! Here comes a false flag terrorist event in the USA! Make no mistake the globalists will stage a huge false flag bombing or some other major terrorist fear campaign to achieve the bringing together of the people under the guise of supporting their own demise! Wake up now!

Friday, December 25, 2020



All Patriots must rise up in Virginia now!

Ralph the Tyrant is trying to get funding to hire Jackbooted thugs to enforce his Draconian gun Infringement! 

We as Virginians must come together and remove this bastard once and for all! 

Self-proclaimed King Ralph is trying to turn the Old Dominion state a Woke Utopia of whacko America hating leftist dystopian state!

Please support our Church and feel free to become a member if you are a Patriotic Christian. 



It is your duty to fight with your voices and your vote and in Virginia, your vote does not count, because of the crooked and vile communist Democrats!

You must rise up and fight a new civil war if they try to take your guns or legislate your guns away! The war has been declared on your freedoms by a vile and sinister leftist evil agenda! Our only hope is that the people will rise up and fight like 1776!

The looney retarded left bans and cancels history and statues with impunity and this must stop! 

Please join us and fight back today?

Our lives are on the line and so is yours! Our freedom will not be taken away! 

Will you give your very lives for your freedom? I hope the left is willing to give theirs, if they think they are going to take away any of our rights! We must take a stand and this stand starts with all Patriots to protest and fight like hell!

Virginia must rise up and remove every single Democrat that even considers any more gun control!

We will never comply!

Pray for peace, but prepare for war!

Trump won 2020 and our votes must count! Election fraud in Virginia is rampant!


Friday, November 27, 2020


Ever wondered why the left is anti 2nd amendment?

The history they deny and try to trick the people with the ruse of safety!

Disarming the people is a sign of total government control with a complete disregard of the rights of the people and you must never allow the government to use mind control and mass manipulation to take away your freedom!

The past is a great indication of the future and all despots and dictators have convinced stupid people to turn in their guns for their own good and allow the demonization of guns and they always start with slogans and propaganda!

 The word Assault will be used and weapons of war is another buzzword to change the conversation and this is the start of control of these weapons by the government. It is a complete mental attack on the people by very sinister vile control freaks that should never have any power at all. Slogans are being used and showing victims of mass shootings parading around to attempt to prove that these weapons are the problem. It is all a scam and an attack on the goodwill and shaming of Law-abiding Americans that have the same weapons that defend the U.S Constitution.

You will hear and see activists that may be well-meaning but are truly morons! The government is never to be trusted and the USA was to be a free country and not a controlled people as the leftists want and the evil desire to control every aspect of your life! So the banning of any weapon is complete insanity that when repeated enough will manipulate even the people with IQs more than than 80 and with the constant lie from the media repeated with big tech the vile will eventually take all of your rights. It is going to happen unless you speak up and take a stand today!

George Orwell wrote the book 1984 and I suggest you actually turn off your computer and television and read it?

You are experiencing this dystopian nightmare coming true right now! The leftists with the United Nations and corporations around the globe, with Nation-states, China, and others want a global government! What happens to the USA? It will be swallowed up as a transient state and no longer a republic. This is not a theory! The leftists are going to do this and we must rise up and put them down!

This election was not free & fair. It was a mockery and stolen to further the globalist's plans to enslave you and me. The idea that you actually pick the president is gone. Now for appearance's sake and to manipulate the masses they will install their president that did not win and is a puppet of the globalists. They will break up the SCOTUS and completely destroy the U.S Constitution telling everyone that this is good for them. They have been using race to divide the people and the COVID19 to keep the people in fear. 

It is so obvious what is happening and people must rise up and stop this takeover. Are you ready to give up all of your rights and move into a city where you are monitored and controlled? The Agenda 21 complete manipulation of an existential threat of climate change is another tool they will use to take away your freedom. You do not want to be the problem, do you? It is another tool they will use to enslave you to save the world. But Climate Change is bogus and you have to know this and fight back now!


With Criminal Bloomberg & Soros they will fund ANTIFA to riot and burn, murder, and cause mayhem! Black Lives Matter to spread lies and propaganda to further the divide. You know they will say that only big government can solve the problem that they created.

Big government cannot have the people armed and this is the problem for them. But they will make a play and try to legislate your rights away for the good of the people. It is all manipulation and turns off the power to control you and stop you from buying food is another. We can never allow them to make this normal! This is being done in California right now by the governor! The control grid is being set up right now under the guise of a better internet. 5G is being built and not for your betterment.

When they take away your guns?

Complete control of you and your family and the government dictates who lives and who dies. Old people will be the target of a socialist/communist government. When a person is above the age of say 75 they are put to death because they can no longer contribute and they put off carbon emissions and the people will be so brainwashed they will go right along and kill them. It is coming now that they brainwashed people to murder the unborn and taking it a step further to murder the newborn. You must see this and understand it is happening now. Desensitizing people each and every day for the ultimate purpose of control.

You may shake your head in disbelief and call me a nut! But you cannot deny that this is going to be the new normal if we do not stop them! How about the "Great Reset"? You must wake up and stop this from happening! It is all their plan and getting rid of Trump had to happen. But you can rise up today and arm up! We have to stop them and fight with all we have to never allow their Dystopian nightmare to come true!

Gun Control is nothing more than people control!

You have the power right now to say no and stand up and stop them! But your time to act is coming to an end. Stop the Steal of the election and expose them! Do not ever give up any of your guns and if they come to take them? You must know that bloodshed must happen! Freedom is not free and is paid for by the blood of Patriots. 

Share this with others and rise up people and take your country back!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I know some of you are reading this because of your curiosity and the title is disturbing. But you have to know in your heart that God will never leave you or forsake you.

Donald J Trump is still in office and God put him there and will keep him in office. We must never waver in our faith and we as Christians must stop obeying the communist left lockdowns and never put our faith in man. The fear of man is a snare or trap and that is exactly what the enemy wants to do to your mind. The big tech companies are in this with the big-government Marxists and republican neocons that desires to murder millions around the world with false-flag terror attacks on the USA. Some will fall for the tricks and deceit that the demonic men promote.

God is going to do a great miracle and Trump will be president for 4 more years. We have to remember and take great faith in God and not men. Men cannot defy God and think they will be victorious. We put our faith directly into God in the name of Jesus every second of every minute and hour of the day. It is truly easy to relax after you give your cares to the Lord. Our battle is already won. We depend on the Lord and will not be in despair and our faith will be rewarded justly by the Lord. 

The devil tried to steal the election and is being exposed and we must keep our resolve. The devil is not one party and the republicans have been crooked as the democrats. The problem is decades of lies and corruption with the government and those that enrich themselves while in office and then go on to scam using wars. George Bush is a neocon and killed millions of innocent people around the world and the continuation of this by Obama. Hilary was to bring us into a world government that controls every aspect of your life. The devil is the controller and God is the freedom from evil. Where the spirit of God is there is liberty. Christ set your free!

First, you must arm yourselves as Christ told his disciples to buy a sword and never allow the government to take them from you. It is not the will of God for you to be ignorant and giving up your sword is foolish and just ignorant. The USA was created by God and Christian values. All amendments matter. You are to pray and trust God, but be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. Wisdom is you must protect and provide for your loved ones. It is up to you to rise up and fight with your sword when it calls for and guided by the spirit. But we cannot accept the orders of an out of control evil rogue state. 

The Lord Jesus paid the price with his life for you. His blood was given to save you. So you are worth so much and God loves you that much. You must think and wake up and never allow the government to lock you down. The mere fact that governors are attempting to control people with draconian edicts and unconstitutional powers and usurping your God-given rights. Do not believe the lies and demonic propaganda of the left that you do not have rights. Our God reigns and is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and is in total control.

I live in Virginia, we have a very evil man as the governor. He is a puppet of Mike Bloomberg the oligarch that uses the gun control lies as his base. Mini-Mike has been tasked by the Satanic world government oligarchs to strip the people of their guns. You have to know this and expose this to all. It is not about gun control at all. It is about controlling you! Northam is a vile Infanticidal maniac and only you can stop him. People must arm up and organize and law enforcement must stand with the people and never cooperate with evil. Law enforcement & the U.S military swore an oath to support & defend the U.S Constitution and they better understand this and keep their word.

Our Father in heaven and Christ in you will understand the faith and the peace that passes all understanding may rest on you right now. You must be willing to fight in the streets to protect your rights and freedoms. You must as Patriots did in the past and they scream from the grave, Revolution! Our Lord Jesus did not make you a coward! You must know that you will fight and the enemy must know you will fight for your rights! Speak up? Speak out? Wake up others?

Keep your peace and know that God has not forsaken you and God is with you and you will prevail. Stand up and fight today! 

May the Lord Bless you and keep you and give you peace and give you courage to stand up and fight like a Lion with our Lion of the tribe of Judah! You are more than victors in the name of Jesus!


Friday, July 24, 2020

Northam's August session and he might try to pull some Tyrannical gun ban!

Coonman might try to weasel in his Draconian so-called Assault Weapons ban in the August session! 
People must call and email 
Northam is working hard to get his Gun Ban slid in during the special session.

This is why you must keep calling and telling these state senators they must vote against any and all anti-gun legislation-

Senator John Edwards-D-21- 540-985-8690

Senator Creigh Deeds-D-25-434-296-5491

Senator Lynwood Lewis-D-6-757-787-1094

Senator Chap Petersen- D-34- 703-349-3361

Senator Emmett Hanger- R-24- 540-885-6898

Senator Siobhan Dunnavant- R- (804) 270-5600

We must show our vigilance and call asap!

We must never comply with any

 Infringement of our 2nd amendment and

 fight to keep our rights!

These are their office district numbers, as listed on the state website.  You have a better chance of reaching them here than at their Richmond Offices.

If you prefer, you can email them at the following email addresses.  Remember to tell them you will accept no compromise and they must vote against any and all anti-gun efforts!

Senator Edwards-
Senator Deeds-
Senator Lewis-
Senator Petersen-
Senator Hanger-
Senator Dunnavant-

And then we need to keep pressure up on 'republicans' from smearing lipstick on this Gun Ban, by telling them a vote to make it better actually is a vote to help the Ban pass.

For decades the 'right' has, time and again, caved into the trick of making a 'bad bill better', as they did with Obamacare, making it 'better' so gun grabbers, in 'red' districts can vote for it.

You need to call the following 'republicans' and tell them NO DEALS on Northam's Gun Ban, and that a vote to make the bill better is a vote to help it pass.

- Senator Tommy Norment (R-3)- (757) 259-7810
- Delegate Glenn Davis (R-84)- (757) 802-4982
Delegate Bobby Orrock (R-54)-(540) 891-1322

We must stay strong and ready to fight these communists with all we have. We all must support President Trump and vote in November! Amanda Chase for governor in 2021 and restore Virginia! We must fight these scumbags with all we have and stop their tyrannical plans in their tracks!

Northam and company are enemies of freedom! The BLM movement is a Marxist disgusting terror group and Antifa is a communist brown shirt movement! Like the Cheka in the former soviet union and the Bolsheviks! We must stand together and never comply with any infringement of our rights! 

This is the most important election in our lifetime!
Trump must win by a landslide!
The democrat Marxists will try anything and the voting by mail is a huge scam to steal the election.
Vote and get all you know to register and vote for Real conservatives that support our 2nd amendment!
God Bless you all!


  Hello from Bishop Taylor,  Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon. I am all for this, but I ...