Hello from Bishop Taylor,
Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon.
I am all for this, but I do not believe it to be true. I know Trump rallies will be coming to Florida and other states. I so look forward to seeing them! But I do not share the confidence or the misleading of some, that Trump will be back soon. Tell me if I am wrong below?The plan has been since 1980 to destroy the USA and bring the world into a communist-style control of the world under the oligarch billionaires. The United Nations to take complete control of you and your children. In 1998 William Cooper said that the government and the shadow government of billion and Trillionaires including the Rothschild family were behind this horrible plan. He also predicted the events on September 11th, 2001.
William Cooper was so proud of being called by Former President Bill Clinton, "The most dangerous man alive" The government assassinated him in 2001. The plan is very easy to see if you are able to see through the brainwashing that you are under.
After 9/11 the government implemented the Patriot act, this is something they just happened to have already written up? The oligarchs who are behind the phony terrorist attack knew exactly how to steer the minds of the masses. They own the media and so many mistakes were made on that day by the media and people simply overlooked them But some still believe the official bullshit story.
Now here we are today in the biggest mess and the Hegelian Dialectic is playing out. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Donald Trump was elected and seemed to love the USA. This was against the plans of the oligarchs or Trump double-crossed the, Who Knows? But we all have a decision to make and this will determine our fate.
Australia lost their guns with fake school shootings and media lies and propaganda! I challenge all to do the research and see that this is true? This was in the plan by the Bilderberg Group! Another name of the Oligarchs that will enslave the world if you sit on your ass and do nothing!
Agenda 2030 is the big goal of the Oligarch Globalist scum!
In 1992 the earth summit in RIO was full of a bunch of weirdos! Yes, they are the save the whale crowd that always thinks they are virtuous. But in reality, are simply weirdos that need a cause! But the main creepy scam artist was Maurice Strong and his criminal wife Hanna. Maurice Strong a lying conman who created religion to replace Christianity at the United Nations. GAIA is the name of this disgusting bullshit!
Earth worshipping demonic sinister scum!
Climate change is 100% BULLSHIT! It is all lies and they are using it to enslave the world! Agenda 21has been working in your town for 20 yrs! But you do not know this! Why because you are living your life, thinking that you do not ever have to get involved. But so many fools and not enough wisdom is the biggest problem we have today!
Then here comes the Bio-weapon Covid or the correct name SARS II Coronavirus. The oligarchs released Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and no one paid any attention. Now they released this virus and had their henchman Fauci play this virus up to the hilt with the owned media to hype it to the extreme! People in fear will allow the government to take over and give up their rights! But not me!
The stats do not add up! More people died in 2017-2018 of the flu! But of course, the flu did not kill anyone in 2020, or were all the deaths made COVID-19? Think about this for one minute?
Dr. Fauci was in charge of the lab in Wuhan China! The Chinese said from the beginning that it was Americans that released the virus! But the CCP are liars. Yes, that is true. But when the world comes down on China. No one will believe the truth. Because they are brainwashed by the media. It is all lies and Fauci knows that he released this virus and the CCP made it where it did not affect China and restricted travel. But opening the door to worldwide travel to infect the whole world!
All of this is carefully planned and done by the billionaire Oligarchs and the vile evil behind them!
I will post more if you would like? Please leave your comments below. Pray and ready yourselves for war!