Friday, April 30, 2021



Joe Biden did not receive 80 million votes and this is shown every single day with his complete low-watched videos and the fact that Biden is a real disease and a demented old communist.

Here is the crux of the communist takeover of the USA. The bogus crisis of round count or magazine capacity is as ridiculous as any stupid argument by the leftists retards! The scary part is the globalists want and demand total control of you! The news media and big tech globalists are on the same sheet of music. As with all propaganda and misinformation driving the planned epidemic that will not simply go away and the inflated numbers to keep constant fear in the minds of the sheep. We are now dealing with the lies of the global elitist's disease, such as Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci the lapdog of the lying deceitful "god complex" of the billionaires that surely know what is best in their twisted minds, for the rest of humanity!

Biden is a symptom of this globalist plot to take total control of the people. Biden plans to ban semi-auto guns and his bubblegum philosophy is people do not need this type of weapon to go hunting. But the 2nd amendment is not about hunting. Certainly, the government is out of the control of the people right now! Biden is not the president and this is a fact that many will simply dismiss as a conspiracy theory. But just take a look at the facts and I not talking about the liberal mindset of 2+2=5 either. Biden is a selected and not elected president. Biden was installed with great effort by big tech and the media. Biden's job is to destroy the USA and strip the people of their rights and put them under the control of the global communists

Biden and his dementia do not matter to the globalist scum! He is a puppet and the leftists will use racial division and divide all people to keep a constant hatred and people at odds. This is the communist playbook and the takeover will be complete very soon unless stopped by the people. But how can the people stop this from happening?

The 2nd amendment is the only answer! Arm and organize with others and never fall for the scams that the left cook up! Never comply with any infringement of your 2nd amendment! Biden had the nerve to actually say that rights are not absolute! Biden and his disgusting communist comrades prop him up and clap at his ridiculous speeches and prop up a demented old fool! Biden has a very low IQ and it shows. But he is easy to control by the shadow government.

Gun control is people's control! But wait the mass shootings that happen in the USA? Most are planned and executed by the globalists and then the media just report on the lies. It is simple but effective to control the minds of stupid people. 

Do not comply is the answer! Here comes a false flag terrorist event in the USA! Make no mistake the globalists will stage a huge false flag bombing or some other major terrorist fear campaign to achieve the bringing together of the people under the guise of supporting their own demise! Wake up now!


  Hello from Bishop Taylor,  Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon. I am all for this, but I ...