Sunday, April 26, 2020


"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
--Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, No. 4,1777

Right now the USA is under attack by a group of people that must be destroyed!

The Globalists have been spouting lies since 1992 with the propaganda of global warming now climate change has been using this false crisis to try to achieve their goal of a one-world government. In 1992 they started with the earth summit in Rio and spent big money trying to convince the people that they must be controlled and give up their freedom to save the world. Using the media that they own to push the fakery on the American people.
I remember the existential threat of global cooling back in the 1980s that these same fools were touting as the end of the world.
Same lies about carbon and how it causes the earth to cool. How they have a consensus of scientists and how they must take control.

The people that create all of these false narratives have convinced many that the lies they spew are completely true. The so-called progressives. These people are typically rejected and mutants of our society. I do not mean this as an insult, so let me explain.
These progressives want to think of themselves as intellectuals or have something that makes them on the same level as good looking people and liked and or popular in school. But they are not and sometimes picked on and not attractive.
So these people grow up angry and see others as less intelligent than they are. 
So the psyop is complete. They typically read the nonsense driven by the leftist and think that with the perceived scientific fact that they are told to believe, they are hooked.
When Trump won the election they had that same feeling as they did when they were rejected in school and the pretty girl took the good looking guy that they wanted, but too ugly and weird to get.

It is easy to convince the ignorant that think they are intelligent in believing what they perceive as science. Also, they carry a hatred for the pretty girls and the good looking guys all their life. It is obvious they see the Republican party like the ones that picked on them in school. This is used by the globalists to pick up support for the democrat party and these same progressive ugly mutant people hate so much that they want the good looking people to suffer from their childhood! trauma!
This is the reason that the left push the anti-bullying cupcake nonsense!
So you see that the Globalist target emotionally disturbed people and use the hatred they have to manipulate them into not only thinking that they are superior intellectually but have vastly more knowledge than the people that are on the right. Because that is all these mutants have is pride in punctuation and name-calling when they are losing the argument!
But they have so much hate all bottled up inside them they turn on themselves!
Here we go again, and who cares what your sexual orientation is and why wear it on your sleeve? Why promote it? My Brother is gay and lives in New York. Back in the 80s he was gay but a conservative and love Ronald Reagan. And carried a gun and supported the 2nd amendment. But he was seduced by the liberal propaganda into a voting democrat.
See we are at war with globalists and not mixed up Americans!
I am straight and I earned a doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
But that and 5$ gets me a cup of coffee.
This is the picture above is what I mean about how we are at war.
Think about the lies in this picture?
The globalist is so proud that they have tricked and brainwashed the mutants and the gay people with severe emotional disorders into believing the lies. 
I am not gay, but if I were gay I would not go out on parade and shove it down the throats of people. But these gay people are hurt and angry people. They have been called a faggot, dike, and other nasty names!
So the democrats/progressives are that shoulder to cry on for them.
These so-called intellectuals or the hate-filled mutants and the gays are not smart at all! The socialist world government hates them and thinks of them as useful idiots. Once in power, the world government will exterminate them!
This is on the agenda and they believe people such as Nancy Pelosi and others care about them. They are sadly mistaken and are making a huge mistake supporting socialism!
Total government control of your life is not freedom at all! They better wake up now and pump the brakes?

Martin Luther King
Martin had a dream that a man would be judged on the content of his character and not the color of his skin.
Some Black people are also full of hate because they are in a psyop by the democrats and have been running against them, since 1968.
Lyndon B Johnson said is we give these niggers free stuff, we will have them voting democrat forever.
The democrats/globalists will use the anger that they put in the minds with propaganda and outright lies to make them vote Democrat. See they trick the black people with words and spin from the owned media. Make the black people think that the republicans or conservatives are the ones that put their ancestors in slavery and want to enslave them. But this just is not true and this is spread by the democrats and media!
Thank God some black people are waking up!
Eternal Vigilance 
covers the price of freedom and the continued fighting for it!
We have to truly educate these angry people!
The scam is in their minds and the deep brainwashing of them makes them resist freedom and fear it!
If the government does not keep them safe from violence who will?
You must set a brush fire in the minds of these people and teach these Americans what the bill of rights truly means.
We may not agree on everything but we all must fight for freedom and not allow the USA to lose its sovereignty!
Why do you need an AR-15?
The 2nd amendment is not for hunting!
We are all the Militia. The unorganized people's army. We fight foreign invaders and the government if they try to take away our rights! In reality, we should not have any gun control at all! The amendment reads very clearly "Shall Not Be Infringed"

The democrats received their marching orders by the globalists. The globalist cabal demands total control over everyone in the world. So their goal is to convince people that people must give up their personal safety devices AKA guns. The mass shootings are planned by the globalists and further investigations are required into the drugs and mental state the mass shooters are placed in before their rampage?
 The globalists are liars and think they are your masters! They are corporations with foreign governments that will create a one-world government. But we will destroy them! We must rise up and reject all control by any government! We must show the democrats that we will not go down into slavery! 
These beasts will try to use the climate change scam to herd people into smart cities and create a wildlife corridor that you are not allowed to trespass in. This will be complete control. They will poison or use more biowarfare to depopulate the earth! This Novel Coronavirus was not an accident and did not naturally occur in nature. They are using it to promote the globalist agenda right now! Bill Gates is the face of the NWO and must be put down!
The democrats will come for your guns!
What will you do?
Will you fight a new civil war and overthrow them? I sure hope you will join in and throw these traitorous tyrants the hell out!
Freedom must defeat Tyranny and you must now make up your mind and have it in your heart to fight for freedom with all you have and even if you are killed?
Freedom is worth everything and without it, life is not worth living!
Buying selling trading is a free market! 
So you lazy good for nothing children living at home and mooching off mom & dad. Bernie Sanders is not going to take care of you! Become an American today?
Take responsibility for yourself and be free and support & defend the U.S Constitution and bill of rights today! 
All people are equal and are covered under the bill of rights! 
Straight, gay or mutant whatever has the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! 
It is up to you?

Friday, April 24, 2020



Americans are sleeping and starting to wake up. But is it too late? The globalist scum wants to take total control of your lives.
You may sit there and think that you are safe and this is just hype? 
If you are truly awake and know this is happening and want to stop it, then please share this with all of your friends and families? Since this overblown flu that has destroyed the economy is not going anywhere and the globalists will push you to stay at home by gunpoint. Make no mistake the police are low IQ people that are order followers and do not have the capacity to think critically. 
The police are not your enemy and maybe some of them might be able to maybe think for themselves? Most of them when they swore an oath to the U.S Constitution was just mouthing the words. With no actual understanding of the meaning of individual freedom. The police swore an oath to defend the rights of the people and not violate that oath. But they serve and protect the government and think this is how they keep that oath.  They are loyal to each other to the point of planting a gun or lying to cover up crimes. But are they going to kill and do the work of the tyrants? Hope not.

The Novel Coronavirus has not been mapped or dissected and without a picture of the virus, you cannot determine if a person has this virus or any other. 
The RT-PCR test does not test for the virus! We do not have a test to determine if a person has this Covid-19! The RT-PCR test does test for toxicity in the body. So you could be under stress or you may be depressed or have a cold etc. If you do a little research you will find that this is 100% correct. Just to add that the RT-PCR show 80% false positive. 
So the death tolls are not accurate and the doctors are putting Covid-19 on death certificates all over the place in the USA. So you see this is keeping the lockdown and it is completely dishonest.

Democrats are the main players in the globalist game. But there are some republicans. George Soros is a disgusting beast that hopefully dies pretty soon. But the key players are Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff with the lies and the hatred for individual liberty. The government has many scam artists such as Joe Biden who was funneling money back to democrat politicians from China and Ukraine. This was going on under the Obama administration. The news is simply repeaters and owned by the globalists. So you are constantly under attack. You are tracked and all of your information from your cell phone to your personal computer's data is stolen and used every second of every day! You have reality hackers. These people work for the largest corporations on the planet. They know more about you than you do. But they hijack reality and give you their reality!

These corporations are working to create a reality that will harm you. Psychopaths want to put the whole world under extreme authoritarian world government. You will be chipped and reeducated. The democrats that are promised that they will be in control and do nothing to stop them, thrive under these corporations. While you are nothing more than a slave. You are a tax cattle at present and never knew! If these demons are not stopped in their tracks and held accountable with extreme punishment and even executed! The world will be a living hell! No more freedom and free thought will be outlawed!. You say how will they control my mind? They already do from the outside. But now they have connected computers to people's brains and can actually read your thoughts!
The hackers are hired by the thousands to work for these corporations! They rig elections and work to enslave you. Your internet is not safe and they are reading this right now! They know who is writing this and it goes directly against them. But you must wake up and understand that the opinion that you may have, could have been given to you?

Food shortages will happen due to this ridiculous flu scare! You have to know that this will happen. You must not panic and go out and hoard food. But some of you are selfish and will do just that! Just like the scum that hoarded toilet paper. I have no idea why in the hell they did that? But morons ran out and bought it up! 
When a loaf of bread costs you 50 to 100 bucks, do not be surprised! It is not the government's fault! It is your fault for being so damn brainwashed by the media and social media. The Coronavirus was released by these corporations. But you reacted like a coward. You cannot believe the media at all. The government cannot run anything at all and cannot keep you safe! It is not the government's job to keep anyone safe. The government has one job and failed miserably and this job is protecting the rights of the people! Your representatives do not care about you! They simply enrich themselves and become millionaires by stealing and scamming while they are in the office!

A clear violation of the 4th amendment and you see that the government does not respect the bill of rights! This is when you submit to a COVID-19 test and test positive? They go back and track your movement and everyone you have come in contact with you by using your cell phone! How did they do this? You think that when you turn the location off on your phone that it is really turned off? They go to your family and friends and force them to test and if they refuse they force quarantine them for 14 days and use CHPS to take their children! Then they use the red flag laws if you do not cooperate with them! It is complete tyranny by the government! 
But you do nothing but comply? It is for your safety and the government is here to help you. If you believe that? You are a damn fool! 

 Do not take your phone with you! You can stop this by not cooperating with this tyranny! I have a flip phone that I carry and it does not have a tracking device. It had one but if you go on youtube and search you are able to fix a flip phone easily! So do not allow the government to contact trace your phone or you! The government shows you that you are being spied on 24/7 by the big corporations and government! Think about it for a minute? If they are able to do this, then they are doing it to everyone! But they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and protect the rights of the people?
Cameras for your safety! Listening to your conversations for your safety! Monitoring you online for your safety! Tyranny in the name of safety is not safe! It is an excuse to fool the sheep and weak-minded in our society! The virus is to see how many will comply! You are a fool to comply and must stand up and fight back by exercising your rights now! The more you accept the more they will push their tyrannical agenda of control of your lives and take away your freedom! They will continue to push the climate change hoax! This will give them another for your lives and safety scam to control every single aspect of your life! Make no mistake they cannot have you armed and they will do this under the same lie as safety! You must make a decision today! Will you fight for freedom and restore our Republic? Or will you go into the bonds of slavery with a smile on your face?
It is completely up to you and I hope and pray you will make the right choice! 
Pray for our Republic?
Thank you for reading and please share this on your wall or on twitter and show solidarity if you chose FREEDOM over slavery?


Today in the USA we have a president that cannot use his power to override the Tyrannical Democrat governors. The leftist globalists with their comrades in the media are trying to remove President Trump. 
The Coronavirus is not an accidental release or a naturally occurring virus. 
Dr. Fauci is not who he seems. Fauci is a Trojan Horse and is an enemy of the people. Dr. Fauci predicted in 2017 that this president would have a pandemic. Bill Gates is a very evil Psychopath. His parents were psychopaths and loved eugenics. Dr. Fauci is on Gates payroll and so is Dr. Birx. Birx and her daughter work for Bill Gates. So you see the entire plan is to keep people in fear and ruin the economy and create such fear that people will accept digital currency and take the RFID chip. 

Our freedom and lives are at stake! We have enemies in our government. Nancy Pelosi and the democrats want a global government and this plan was in play for many years. Hilary Clinton was to bring it in for them. But the upset was Trump and thank God that Hilary Clinton was not elected.
The Coronavirus was in a lab at Ft Detrich Maryland in 2015. Just like the Anthrax that was used to create panic before. If you will do the research then you will find out that this is a fact? 
President Trump is caught between a rock and a hard place. The media is our enemy and spreads propaganda by the globalists and cannot be trusted. They are the enemy of the people. Our Constitutional Republic will be no more if they are not exposed and the people rise up and stop them! 
President Trump sent out a tweet for the people to liberate your state. He sent this out in frustration and our president is under an extreme amount of pressure! Bill Gates with the United Nation and traitors in our government and the media are all involved with the destruction of the USA!

I know this is much for the average person to digest. But if you will only open your eyes? You will see that this is all happening and must be stopped and the people involved arrested! We have for so long have been fooled into fighting globalist wars and lied too and convinced we are the good guys!
This planned epidemic that was intentional and they think will give them power to take over and with even more fear they will be able to force vaccinate us. The Novel Coronavirus numbers are being inflated to cause more and more panic! 
If President Trump is truly the people's president and is on the side of the U.S Constitution, he must be set free to arrest and stop this conspiracy. If he fires Birx & Fauci the globalist media will attack him and as they are doing their evil job of discredit and destroy his chance on being reelected.
Our freedoms will be taken and many will die and the USA will be under complete control by the globalists! They will use the fake green climate change hoax. They will use artificial intelligence and track your every move. Punish you and reeducate and murder the ones that cannot make stay in line! 
This all will be done under the excuse they are keeping you safe. You will have no rights and they will disarm the people. We are always fighting these people. They are constantly attacking our rights now. Free speech is about gone, with the hate speech and politically correct Marxist abridging. The globalists in the government (Democrats) are following the agenda and trying all of the time to infringe more and more on our 2nd amendment. 
Ask yourself why are they always doing this? 
Here is your future if you are not willing to stand up and fight? The government has so many traitors that must be rooted out and hanged for their crimes! Bill Gates must be arrested and the WHO shut down! We must destroy the United Nations and shut down the military-industrial complex!  We must end the federal reserve and go back to the gold standard. Many in the deep state are the enemy of the people. 
We will not become like China and we all must come together and fight these disgusting traitors and globalists! 
Eternal Vigilance! 
We must rise up now and go back to work and resist the governors and the globalists that own Facebook and Youtube and censor the truth! The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first!


  Hello from Bishop Taylor,  Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon. I am all for this, but I ...