Monday, March 23, 2020


Chuck & Nancy 
are trying to promote the globalist agenda because these two are on the payroll of the international bankers and the United Nations.
I do not support socialism and the bailout that the President has proposed. As all Patriots should never support socialism.
Americans of times past were tough and they built the cities and our civilization.
American's did not rely on the government and created their own wealth. I know now we have the pansies and snowflakes that cannot even tell if they are male or female.
President Reagan said the problem is the government and the solution is freedom.
The same is true today. The regulations put on the American people by unelected bureaucrats with the Neocons and the progressives, both are globalist scum.
The leftist globalist media push government intervention into the lives of all Americans.

 The American spirit is still alive and will fight to the death to keep their freedom. But with all of the laws that protect the government and the police and the rights that have been taken by the government. The police that enforces the intrusional and unconstitutional bullshit laws, it is the real epidemic.
The Novel Corona Virus has put cowards in panic mode. With the pieces of shit that hoarded toilet paper and bread and hand sanitizer is absolute disgust me!
It shows that people only care about themselves, and this is why apathy rules their sick minds. 
The democrats push the hoax of man-made climate change. I can and have debated with climate change professors and supporters of the hoax. I have defeated every single one of them. I have been researching and engaging and proving them wrong for 32 years! 
I will debate anyone and prove that man-made climate change is a scam and is not true!
Agenda 21 or 2030 is a plan to enslave you!
Better do the research and fight with all you have to stop the hoax! 
Your own local government has been given money from the United Nations for the last 12 years to enforce regulations and the Trojan Horse has been installed. But it is not too late to stop this evil!
The New Greed Deal 
This is pushed by the globalist communist!
They want a global government that uses AI and other means to track every single person in the world. It is based on the China model of earning social points to live and these points are earned for being good bootlickers! But those who think for themselves will be punished and reeducated or simply put to death. The lies by the left are clear but the RINOs are in on the deal. George Soros and Bloomberg with all of the rest of the devil so-called Elites will push this control on the people!
The globalist did not plan for the Trump 2016 election win.
Hilary Clinton was chosen to either bring the USA under control of the world government or move the USA closer. So you see how the left are installing state governments and are attacking the 2nd amendment!
The leftist will not stop trying to take your guns! You will have to fight like hell to defeat these Tyrants. If need be you might have to use your 2nd Amendment to keep your Freedom. It is not just words. You are the keeper of the bill of rights and if you are not willing to fight them we are in trouble!
The left has this evil agenda with the globalist demand that the people surrender their rights. They use sexual perversions and the insanity of identity politics and diversity foolishness. 
Turning people against one another and dividing the country with hate. The left must use lies a spin to brainwash some of the people to beg for their own slavery. 
I am voting for Donald Trump in 2020 and all conservative down the ticket.
I hope you will join me?
Never give up your guns people!
We will need them to stop the globalists and take our country back!
God bless you and God bless the USA!

Sunday, March 22, 2020



The Event 201 scenario
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.


If you believe that this a conspiracy theory or nonsense? Then you are the problem and so indoctrinated that you are useless!

During this Plandemic people simply complied like the cattle that they truly are, and it is disgusting! The Chinese virus was planned and the evidence is overwhelming and the government is now going after your guns! H.R 5717 is complete Tyranny and the idiot congressman from Georgia is just a pawn and ignorant. We must rise up and demand an investigation into this release of a biological agent Covid-19 on the people of the world!  Bloomberg and the bankers are not sick and they are elderly?
The left and right and the international billion and trillionaires want you dead! Yes the push of the climate change bullshit and the brainwashed masses that do not think are the problem! Agenda 21 is the murder of humanity and enslavement of everyone!
We must rise up and never allow the government to take our guns! We need our guns to stop the agenda 21 and to arrest and put these bastards on trial and executed! 

Bill Gates told an audience that 90% of the population of the world must be killed. The people in the audience clapped and cheered?
They are either so indoctrinated or the did not think that Bill was talking about them?
Agenda 21 must be destroyed! Agenda 2030 is the same shit! We must stop them at all costs! 
Please watch this video to understand and spread the word?
Gun control is from the globalist elitist scum and they pay the politicians on the left and right! We must fight these bastards in the streets and hold the politicians accountable! 
We live in a time that we will eventually have to fight a new war with these demonic scum globalists! 

I am investigating the 5G towers and according to some scientists, these towers are deadly to the population! We must take a look at everything that the government is doing and be paranoid and do not believe anything you hear and half of what you see.

If you wonder where all of the insanity is coming from? The gender bullshit and child sex rings? Sex slavery? The sick sexual perversions? Gun control? Climate change?
One world government? Open borders?
Government control of healthcare? School shootings? Just take a good look into the United Nations and the bankers with the globalist billionaires and trillionaires and you will see that following the money right into the hands of the politicians and see the Tyrannical laws are coming from!
Wake up Americans and understand that it is not just the brainwashed libtards! It is a war and we must be VIGILANT and fight them with all we have!

Monday, March 16, 2020


Does anyone else think that this is way overblown? We have to use our brains at this time in history and not depend on the misinformation and the mass hysteria of a virus that was created in a lab and not with bat soup.  Covid 19 is the fault of the Chinese and are they going to be held accountable? I bet not. 
I think this is some kind of test that the corrupt governments Federal and State. Closing down schools and bars and in some cases not selling ammo. Illinois Mayor gave herself some kind of bullshit executive power to even ban guns! It is an absolute and unconditional power grab by the government! We are to believe that just because a person wears a costume such as police and elected representatives have power over our lives! None of these people have a higher claim over your life and property than you! Do not fall for the lies and the bullshit that spews from the idiot box! 
Coronavirus is a problem! We all must take care not to get it. But this hysteria and panic are not only stupid but fucking ignorant! I mean the toilet paper hoarding is a big problem! If you see anyone buying up the toilet paper. You want to beat the hell out of them to drive out the stupid from them! I sure do not understand why in the hell this is happening? The criminals in the cities here in Virginia are planning home invasions and yesterday the news did not report on some crimes?  I live in the country and I sure hope they come! I am planning a nice time for these criminals! I hope everyone will take precautions to avoid becoming a victim of these pieces of shit! 

During a crisis such as a hurricane, the counties had more than 20 home invasions with rape, robbery, and murder in Virginia. 
If anyone of these pieces of shit come to your home dressed in a costume or pretend to be an official or a police officer? Call 911 and make sure they are the police. If they are not then protecting yourself with all you have! Never allow them to get into your home people! I cannot stress that enough!

The NEWS is not reporting on the dangers! Most NEWS is a liberal insane outlet that would be labeled racist for reporting on these crimes! But I want to make everyone aware of this to protect the people and not to cause any hysteria. But please make sure you spread the word to your neighbors? Please do not allow anyone to become a victim! Look out for all of the people and if some strange people come to your home? 
Keep your distance and never open your door. If they grab a family member and demand entry. Keep your gun pointed on them and do not allow entry to your home. They will not harm your family member knowing you will shoot them. Tell them you will allow them to leave and they will release your family member. But never allow any of them into your home no matter what!

Never hesitate to pull the trigger! It is you or them! Better than a criminal gets dead than you or your loved ones! Stay safe and keep your guard up in this hyped Coronavirus!

Hopefully, everyone prays for the poor innocent young man that was murdered by the police! Duncan Socrates Lemp a 21-year-old innocent man is a victim of the leftist's new Red Flag gun confiscation law! This tyrannical law is not legal under the Supreme Law of the land. Red Flag laws are a gross and complete disregard for the rights of the people. It violates the 1st amendment and the 2nd and 4th and many more! So many people are murdered under the tyranny of this so-called law! It undermines the rights of the people and must end right now! 

I know that protesting sucks! But we must all come together and fight the Tyranny together and the police better not continue murdering people! 
Red Flag Laws do not save lives at all! Even if a red flag law saved one life, it has caused more than 100 deaths and murdered by cops! Murder of innocent people to prevent the murder of innocent people makes no sense at all!

If we do not come together and fight the corrupt system that infringes on our 2nd amendment and shits on the rest of them. We deserve to be slaves! I mean if they are serving a red flag bullshit order on a person. Get involved and in their way! Do not allow the police to come to a person's home in military gear and assault an innocent person with a costume-wearing judge without due process take property from a person that has not done anything wrong at all! 
People this is blatant Tyranny and must be stopped and ended right now! 

The law enforcement agents receive their power from the U.S Constitution that they swore an oath to support & defend! When they violate the rights of the people, they lose this power and are now considered criminals by the Supreme Law of the Land and do not have the protection of not being prosecuted or stopped by the people! Sheriffs of Virginia say they will not enforce unconstitutional laws. But the cretins in the government of Virginia, make threats to fire them and cut their pay. We must rid Virginia of these pieces of shit! Thank you to all law enforcement that will not violate their oaths!
I took an oath to the U.S Constitution and I will support & Defend and will not allow any violations of the rights of the people!

Gun control is Infringement! Make no mistake the ones that demand gun control means people control. Guns are to support and defend the U.S Constitution! Some would pervert and end the rights of the people and they want to take away the teeth of the rights of the people! Then they will abolish the rights of the people and the government will rule over the people even more than today! We must push back and if need be to overthrow the government! The racist Blackface governor is a tyrant! The disgusting garbage in the house and senate need to be gone! We are the rightful masters and the people rule over the government, not the other way around! 
Stay so VIGILANT PEOPLE!  We must never allow the servants to become our rulers! Remember we do not have leaders! We do not call elected people leaders! Change the words now and tell these tyrants that the people rule over the elected servants and they cannot pass laws that take away the rights of the people! They have no authority to ban anything! The elected servants must never think they rule over anyone! The U.S constitution is the Supreme Law and they better follow it! If they do not then they must be fired and taken out of office now! 

Friday, March 6, 2020


Virginia free speech law
That the freedoms of speech and of the press are among the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained except by despotic governments; that any citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; that the General Assembly shall not pass ..
The bill, titled “HB 1627 Threats and harassment of certain officials and property; venue,” would make it a crime for citizens to offer “harassment by computer,” and allow Richmond police to pursue such crimes anywhere in the state.
It appears that, if passed, Virginians who voice their dislike or distrust of the Virginia government via Facebook or Twitter, including the infamous Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who was exposed by National File Senior Reporter Patrick Howley of being photographed wearing either blackface or Ku Klux Klan robes in 2019, maybe visited by Richmond police if they violate their oath of office for the Blackface commie bastard?
If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, shall use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he shall be is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which the communication was made or received or in the City of Richmond if the person subjected to the act is one of the following officials or employees of the Commonwealth: the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
The sickness that occupies the governor's office known to the people as Blackface the tyrant and the commies that sit in the house and senate can go fuck themselves!
The demon rats exercise their free speech and call the president names and even threaten him.
They are not charged with a fucking thing!
But the pansy fucks in Virginia can blow it out their soy boy panties!
Fuck the Virginia House of delegates!
Fuck the Virginia senate!
Fuck the Blackface Tyrant Northam!
No one will take away free speech!
Charge yourselves with Tyranny now you sorry bastards!



The Democrats are the party of feel goodism and bullshit!
If you just take a good look at California and see the tent cities and the weirdos, like women with penises and men with vaginas. Then you have the do-gooders and groupthink of the so-called gun sense happy horse shit! 

With the right pronouns more important than your constitutional rights, and the streets are full of pathogens from human feces stinking up the whole place! People vomiting and shooting up drugs in safe zones and children having to avoid being stuck by syringes and AIDS-infected needles thrown on the street.

Drugged out people suffering in tent cities and lice with actual typhoid epidemics on the rise in these democrat strongholds. 
This is the future of the Commonwealth of Virginia. This libtard Utopia is here now people!
Ralphie Blackface Northam with the other disgusting whackos in the Virginia House & Senate will bring this to pass in the Old Dominion and destroy our once Great Commonwealth!

Cleaning up human shit on the streets of Richmond will be coming soon!
The Democrats ruined Virginia cities since the 1980s. If you only take a look at the bringing of Washington DC thugs to Norfolk and Newport News, with the relocation program. Creating zones for under privilege people from certain zones. This is a disguise by the liberals to create a voting block, but with the intended consequences of bringing drugs and many criminals from DC and other areas to make your town a gang banging hell hole!
It is completely the fault of the Democrats that the shooting rampages are happening in Norfolk and other cities!
Then the Democrats push gun laws on law-abiding gun owners!
The Democrats import criminals into the Commonwealth of Virginia!
Destroying Waterside and other attractions and death of innocent people for votes!
Democrats rage against guns and pretend that this just happened in Virginia. But they are the reason the whole time!
This is not meant to be racist!
But it will be spun as racist to enable the democrats from taking responsibility and does not change the facts!
If you simply do an internet search of the highest crime cities with gun violence, you will see that it is the cities that the democrats over the years relocated thugs from other areas of the country by the democrats!
It is the facts and the facts are not racists!
You bring criminal thugs into Virginia and what do you think is going to happen?
These scumbags are planning to bring in the worst of the worst and turn Virginia into a liberal hell hole!
Pushing the Communist destruction of the Commonwealth of Virginia is in their sites and we must stop them in their tracks at all costs! 
The disgusting sexual deviants will be in the streets with the drug dealers and heroin addicts shitting on our streets and more thugs from all over the country will be welcomed to destroy and create the highest crime rate they can possibly bring! Then calling for more gun control by the people that are causing the very problems!
The communist democrats will turn Virginia into hell hole and with the deviant laws that give special rights to sick in the mind transexuals and the drug safe zones and the retarded gun-free zones will bring hell on the good people of Virginia!

Thank God for the Vigilant and good people of Virginia that take on this communist plot and destruction of the Great Commonwealth of Virginia! We have Great people that are willing to FIGHT! 
We will defeat these demons with Vigilance and the demonic government that is currently set up in our State!
They are now threatening our Sheriffs by taking their monies! Thank your local law enforcement for standing with the people and keeping their oath to the Constitution!
Stop the insanity and vote Republican down the ticket people and never give up your guns! If they come for your guns? Give them your bullets and never allow them to take your neighbor's guns either!
If they bring the fight then stand up and give it to them!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Biden is a full retard and Micro midget fails and sucks up to the retard! Click here and read the news?

What happened with Hunter Biden and the 1.5 Billion dollars from China?

I guess we will never know? But the democrats or communists are pushing this moron on the people. Biden is not just a stupid man. He is a mentally retarded moron!
Biden does not just have memory problems, he is a nutcase and demands to take our guns! Biden should be in a hospital and controlling his dementia and his senile gaffs!
Biden is the establishment and will work to scam monies and is criminally crooked!

Common sense is under attack and you are told not to think that is the government's job and if you think for yourself you are the enemy and must be arrested and reeducated!

In Virginia, the leftists passed many new ridiculous and tyrannical laws. We must by any way we are able to stop these leftist tyrants!
Ralph Blackface Northam is white guilt suffering infanticidal disease on the Freedoms and Rights of all Virginians! 
Blackface does not even hide the fact that he wants to rig the election by taking away showing of State Identification to vote!
Not only dead people on the democrat voter rolls, now we will have illegal aliens voting for democrats.
The infanticidal loving murder of the unborn and now newborns is a blood lust and the piss poor excuse of a women's right to choose is just a ruse to commit the murder of the innocent!
I have been doing a comparison of the policies of the Nazi party and Northam Blackface policies are completely in line with the 1933 policies.
Virginians must recall this bastard now!
Senator Amanda Chase committed herself to recall Blackface. Amanda Chase is now going to run for Governor and if she wants the support of the people? She must complete the recall now.
Has anyone heard about parts of Virginia becoming West Virginia?
It sounds like a good idea to me and I would be in favor of this because West Virginia protects our 2nd Amendment rights.
Bloomtard is out and wasted almost a billion dollars! 
I am so happy that this midget bastard lost and is now backing the demented retard, 
Joe Crooked Biden. 
We all must get busy and work to register more republican voters and reelect Trump or we face an armed rebellion to keep our Rights in Virginia and all across the USA.
I have no problem with an armed civil war, but this must be the last resort.
The government has one job, and this is protecting our Bill of Rights!
We must stay vigilant and never allow apathy to creep in and ruin our momentum.
We must remove every democrat all across the country, and not just in Virginia. We do not need communists or sissy boys and all of that tranny gross deviant diseases running rampant! Drag queens with their balls hanging out and their asses showing in public schools reading to our children! Perverted deviance running rampant with sodomites and cutting off children's penises and sick sex change of children!
Call me what you will?
I do not give a damn.

The sickness of not speaking the truth and the hate speech bullshit laws are completely a violation of the 1st Amendment!
Faggots and bull dikes with insanity accepted as some sort of norm are not how I see it. 
What consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of anyone's business.
But is a faggot or dike or sick in the mind tranny pushes their shit on children?
Then we all must speak up and stop it!
No matter what they call me, I do not give a damn and will speak up and defend goodness and decency in the world.

These things are sick in their reprobate minds and if you think any different? You should have your head examined! 
Demonic is what this is and we all must speak up and stop the corruption of the innocent.
The drag fags need to stay away from children!


  Hello from Bishop Taylor,  Many people I have spoken with claim Trump will be back in the White House very soon. I am all for this, but I ...